Motivational Posters

I made these from the photos I took while I was at the cruiseboat and I couldn't bother making an English version, but the text says "Musician / Trubadure - does a work that matters", but you get the point...


Sorry for complaining but why do you have to quote the pics as well ;/ It takes a second to delete it's link and it makes the forum a lot cleaner and easier to read. [/rant]

Hey, just something to mention, would you mind not quoting the picture when you reply? It makes the forum a lot cleaner and easier to read

Sure dude, no problem, that makes perfect sense, and thanks for asking so nicely, rather than resorting to whining about it like a big baby :goggly: :loco: :D
Well it's something that has been bothering me for quite some time but I didn't want to derail a thread or get on people's nerves for that. Seeing the same picture in three consecutive posts was just too much [whining baby] :waah: [/whining baby]
