Motorhead - "Inferno"


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
Well Lemmy and the boys deliver in 2004 a brand new studio album. The album sounds like...Motorhead what do you know? :p

I know people that got piss on bands that don't "evolve", well I have senn evolution and involution, and waht's good for me may be bad for the next person.

In anycase Motorhead is like the Bible, it hadn't change since it was written, you can believe in it blindly, and fill your soulk with faith in God (Lemmy :muahaha: ).

The album sounds exactly like the last 5-6 or more. For example 'In The Name Of Tragedy' reminds me of songs from 'Sacrifice', while 'Suicide' is more akin to the "Hammered" work. 'Life's A Bitch' reminds me a lot a mix from classic "Overkill" stuff with "Overnight Sensation" one, really catchy rock'n'roller stuff. 'Fight' reminds a lot of 'Death Or Glory' from "Bastards". 'Kings Of The Kingdom' is the mandatory bluesy mid-pace song that I love so much from Motorhead like 'Name in Vain', 'You Better Run', 'Joy Of Labour' etc., with a beautiful guitar playing by Phil Campbell (shit this is an instant fave).

The two cool "surprises":

1) Vai guitar is very Vai and at the same time he didn't stray from Motorhead needs belnding his playing perfectly with the music.

2) The acoustic 'Whorehouse Blues' is fucking amazing, the song is crafted like the in the old days, and I mean old (older than Stevie Ray Vaughan, Jimi Hendrix or whoever else). I doibt they are going to play it live, but I will love to be on a small pub hearing Motorhead playing this one with dim light and warm girl by my side ;)

Verdict: GO FOR IT!
sixxswine said:
I was holding off until I heard a unbiased review of this record.
Unbiased? How can I be unbiased with Motorhead? :err:
Lemmy rulez!

Apart from that, is a very good album in the essence of their later work, not only for rabid fans like me, but also for ocassional fans.
Wyvern said:
Lemmy rulez!

Remember in the movie Airheads when the guys ask the suit and tie guy who would win in a fight between God and Lemmy? They guy says Lemmy, but they tell him he's wrong. It's a trick question because LEMMY IS GOD!! :lol:
sixxswine said:
That's what I meant you're biased, but your assessment of the record, was soooo good that I will be looking for it!!!!!
You better do that 6. Because that album is gonna kick your ass!! No really, it great. Its been a long time since Motorhead released such a good album! :rock:
Wyvern said:
I know people that got piss on bands that don't "evolve", well I have senn evolution and involution, and waht's good for me may be bad for the next person.

..But Motorhead DOES evolve.. there's a clear difference between the early work (On Parole, Overkill etc.) and the newer albums (We are Motorhead/Hammered) and I have to admit that I like the older albums more..

But anyway, I'm glad there's a new album out, I'm looking forward to hear it :)
(good to see that some bands still are producing good music, even if they are REALLY old.. just like Deep Purple.. :rock: )
Jezusjan said:
I have to admit that I like the older albums more..

But anyway, I'm glad there's a new album out, I'm looking forward to hear it
:rock:The new album sounds and has the style of the old albums you are talking about :rock:
YES!!!! This album is awesome!! I bought it last week and since then, it's been laying right in my player, and i doubt it'll move anytime soon. It's tried and true Motorhead in the best possible sense of the word, and totally worth getting!
Favorite song: "In The Black"
My favorite is 'Smiling Like A Killer'. It's so Motorhead :) This is a very good album! :rock:
My faves are 'Fight', 'Life's A Bitch' and 'Smiling Like A Killer' but also I hold dearly 'Whorehouse Blues', because I know that comes from Lemmy's heart. He grew on blues...and whores too :D
This CD gets better each time I listen to it!!! And I loved it the first time I listened to it!

I LOVE Whorehouse Blues!!! :worship: What a fucking EXCELLENT song!! Lemmy is the MAN!! :worship:

:rock: :rock: :rock: