alanbirdsell said:Ah.... do you remember Metal Breakfast on KUGR? We'd always call in and ask for Motorhead at 7:00 am!
Hahahaha! Motorhead at 7am!! Now that's a wake up call!!!!

alanbirdsell said:Ah.... do you remember Metal Breakfast on KUGR? We'd always call in and ask for Motorhead at 7:00 am!
alanbirdsell said:Ah.... do you remember Metal Breakfast on KUGR? We'd always call in and ask for Motorhead at 7:00 am!
rhpspdx said:City Boy's "The Day the Earth Caught Fire"
that wouldnt be the same as the balzac song would it?
alanbirdsell said:I did get to share a cute story with Lemmy. At one point I had some very fundamentalist Christians living next door. I mean I hear sermons cranked on their stereo, and when the guy would work on his car he might put on a tape of hymns and sing along. They generally kept to themselves and were never an issue, except their children were VERY annoying they would stand in hte yard and scream and what not. When they did this I would put music on the stereo and let it waft out the window (not even cranked) and they would usher their kids in the house like someone had set off the air raid siren. So, one of my favorites was to throw on Motorhead, things like, "I'll Be Your Sister" and "Love Ya Like a Reptile" and they couldn't get the little buggers in the house and the windows closed fast enough. Lemmy looks at me an mumbles in Ozzyesque fashion with his polite British accent says, "It's fuckin' bloody good music for that!" and then says, "Fuckin' fundamentals!" and raised his middle finger. I about wet myself.
alanbirdsell said:I did get to share a cute story with Lemmy. At one point I had some very fundamentalist Christians living next door. I mean I hear sermons cranked on their stereo, and when the guy would work on his car he might put on a tape of hymns and sing along. They generally kept to themselves and were never an issue, except their children were VERY annoying they would stand in hte yard and scream and what not. When they did this I would put music on the stereo and let it waft out the window (not even cranked) and they would usher their kids in the house like someone had set off the air raid siren. So, one of my favorites was to throw on Motorhead, things like, "I'll Be Your Sister" and "Love Ya Like a Reptile" and they couldn't get the little buggers in the house and the windows closed fast enough. Lemmy looks at me an mumbles in Ozzyesque fashion with his polite British accent says, "It's fuckin' bloody good music for that!" and then says, "Fuckin' fundamentals!" and raised his middle finger. I about wet myself.
alanbirdsell said:I did get to share a cute story with Lemmy. At one point I had some very fundamentalist Christians living next door. I mean I hear sermons cranked on their stereo, and when the guy would work on his car he might put on a tape of hymns and sing along. They generally kept to themselves and were never an issue, except their children were VERY annoying they would stand in hte yard and scream and what not. When they did this I would put music on the stereo and let it waft out the window (not even cranked) and they would usher their kids in the house like someone had set off the air raid siren. So, one of my favorites was to throw on Motorhead, things like, "I'll Be Your Sister" and "Love Ya Like a Reptile" and they couldn't get the little buggers in the house and the windows closed fast enough. Lemmy looks at me an mumbles in Ozzyesque fashion with his polite British accent says, "It's fuckin' bloody good music for that!" and then says, "Fuckin' fundamentals!" and raised his middle finger. I about wet myself.