Motorhead re-record ace of spades


Apr 13, 2010
For those of you who haven’t heard of them, they’re Motorhead, the self-proclaimed greatest rock and roll band in the world. And they’ve just recorded a new version of one of their most famous songs.

The group have written and recorded a myriad of critically acclaimed pieces like “Stone Dead Forever” and “Overkill”, but the one that can truly be considered Motorhead’s definitive song is “Ace Of Spades”, the song the band chose to re-record.

While the recording hasn’t been released yet, apparently it will be quite different from the original. It’s been reported that the song will be quite bluesy, with Lemmy actually playing the harmonica in it.

The song is being recorded again to be used in a beer commercial - more specifically a Kronenbourg 1664 advertisement set to air in a few days. Afterwards, you’ll be able to download the song at Kronenbourg’s official website.

In other news, Motorhead are starting a UK tour early November. If you didn’t get a chance to catch the dates and venues when they were first announced, be sure to check them out at this location. They’re also planning to release their twentieth studio album, “The World Is Yours”, in early 2011, so be sure to keep an ear out.

A preview of the acoustic "Ace of Spades" is available at this location:


this article belongs to
i don't really care =P
not a motorhead-fan ;)
i saw this article , and i thought, ''let's put this on the evile forum for those who do care''
this should be cool. A return to the "on patrol" days
I think that's what the album was called
I had bacon for lunch yesterday... Non crispy:devil:

*Activates Atomic-Nuclear-Terra-Incineration-Demolition-Arctic-Venomous-Explosion Shield. A.k.a. the "A.N.T.I.D.A.V.E. Shield"*
Shall I make that two grave plots?

Also, to stay on topic, is this song on youtube? I wanna hear it.