Motu 8 Pre Issue


Mar 9, 2009
Not an issue I'm experiencing, one my mate is having.

He's got a 24" iMac
OSX Snow Leopard 10.6.8
2.66GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
4Gb Ram
Firewire 400 cable with a 400 to 800 adapter

Every once in a while he gets drop out in audio and pops/clicks/static type noise. This happens during playback of audio from iTunes and during recording. He's got the latest drivers and the firmware is (I believe) as up to date as it will allow.

Has anyone had this sort of issue with any of their interfaces? Any tips on resolving it? I'm at a loss. I was running a Motu 8 Pre when I was waiting for my Fireface and it was fine for me.
maybe try ditching the adaptor and get a 400 to 800 cable, i know it sounds stupid but my DV cam wont work with an adaptor it only works with a proper converter cable
I've no idea how to even access that?

Regardless, it's happening on playback of audio from iTunes as well.

Meant to say earlier that he's using Cubase 5
But it's happening while the Motu is hooked up?

Should have a control panel for the interface inside computers Control Panel to access the buffer size and settings. Of you can access it inside the DAW.
You gave me an idea, I checked some more settings again. The buffer size was at a reasonable 256.

However, for some weird reason, it was clocking to the iMac. Changed that and he seems to be ok. Cheers for leading me to that train of thought. No spiking in either Cubase or iTunes/Youtube etc :)