
this was me a few months back.



I've got the beard back now as I look terrible with out it.I know you are supposed to shave fresh and start growing a mo from day one but I can't be bothered. Possibly thinking of shaving the middle out again and doing the chopper,walrus, whatever you like to call it.
I haven't shaved in like 2 weeks. I'm fucking 29 years old and still cannot grow a full beard. I get to about the point where I'm at now and always shave it. Of course, I have to go to Baltimore, MD tomorrow to check out a possible job opportuinity and I should probably shave...... But yeah, I have patches on the sides and a round patch under my chin that just doesnt grow hair. I think I fell and busted my chin open as a kid and this is why. Oh well. Trying to to get it to get long enough to just cover over the bald spots. :lol:
I haven't been clean-shaven since I was 14 so it's quite a change.

So almost a year now?
Also, just tried donating on your site and it's not letting me. "We noticed some errors in the information you entered. Please correct them below" and there's nothing to correct :/


This is me just now, shaved about 4 days ago but it's already the 2nd here so I've really only got a 2 day head start.
I guess I am attending in a way, since I've got a moustache. I've already had it since the end of August or so though, and didn't shave it to start fresh the 31th of October, so I guess I'm not really following the rules. Who cares, it's awesome. I also love the reactions I get, and I'm not surprised, I look like a dirty pervert with it :lol:
Nearing the end of November, let's see those mo's.

I grew a proper beard, took some pics, then shaved it into a moustache just now. But the fucking website I used deleted all my beard pics, so all I've got is this. I kinda liked the beard, but atm I don't grow ANYTHING on my cheeks so its more of a goatee/neckbeard.. maybe when I hit puberty I can grow a real beard.


edit: goddamn that looks pathetic. My mo stopped growing after like week 2 or 3. The rest was much more impressive, I swear...