moustache march

I can't grow much of a moustache yet. I can't decide whether I should just leave it be and it will grow slowly with time, or I should keep shaving it in hopes that it will grow back thicker and/or faster. I'm still not sure if the latter option works. Does it?

And having light-colored hair doesn't help.
It is a myth that hair grows back faster/thicker despite what Kramer says.

I can't grow anything beyond some fuzz on my lip and a scraggly patch on the bottom of my chin
BlackMetalWhiteGuy grows hair faster than anyone I know. It takes me more than a month to grow a full beard when it took him probably less than 4 weeks.
For the contest, we were all supposed to shave on September 31st, but I didn't get around to it until October 2nd. By the end of the month, I still had the longest hair even despite waiting two extra days to start. I'd trade the speed for follicular density in a heartbeat though.
You pussies. I'm younger than most of you and I can grow a better beard. The only picture testifying to this in existence, however, is my school ID. In which I look like a drug dealer. Which is one up from last year, in which I looked like a moron.
I wasn't being serious.

But I am surprised that so many of you can't grow a beard. It's not a personal failure or a sign of lacking masculinity or anything, though...
I always idolized people with beards (probably because my father has one), so I didn't like the trend in movies where the bad guys had beards and the good guys didn't. That's why I always loved the movies where the good guy hero had a beard. Gladiator and 300, for example.
My dad has a beard. When he first grew it I didn't like it. Now I can't remember what he looks like without it...
3 weeks ago:


Just over a month ago:


It's getting better and better every fucking day; right now it's looking pretty god damn bitching. Beards FTW. It's probably 2.5 inches long now, and it blows in the wind...:kickass:

EDIT: Looks like they were only a week apart.
I use to have one a few years ago when i was a sophomore in high school. People claimed that it made me look like a mexican so i shaved it and havent grown it since. As of now i have the good ol' chin beard.