Movies: Fighting scenes that you love!


Metal addict
Sep 13, 2002
The Matrix when they're going into that building where Morpheus is being held Superb fighting scenes.
Star Wars: all the fightings between Luke and Darth Vader :cool:

What's yours?
well of course matrix, i love the fight between neo and the agent in the subway-station where the walls crumble when they throw eachother into it.

and that awesome revenge-scene in the movie "krigarens själ" (what's it called in english?) where that huge maori-guy beats the shit out of that scum who has raped his daughter :mad:
There's so many, but here's few of my favorites. Some of them are more of war-scenes than fight-scenes though, but war's fighting, right?

Matrix, the lobby scene.
Swordfish, well not actually a fighting scene, but the one where the bomb goes off + the car chase.
Saving Private Ryan, D-day.
South Park movie, the scene where Bill Gates is shot. :grin:
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, the tree top fight.
Ghost in the Shell, the museum scene
Raiders of the Lost Ark, the one where Indy shoots the swordsman. :grin:
LotR, the battle of Emyn Muil
Braveheart, all big battles
Star Wars ep. II, Obi-Wan+Anakin+Yoda vs. Dooku.
Has anyone seen the crimson rivers?(probably Board)
there's a fight scene with a videogame sound as background and it's really cool
Spriggan is awesome!!! I liked the wire guy the most.

ANY jet Li movie made in hong kong, such as twin dragons are awesome. Shits on a crouching tiger. Drunken master is also pretty cool, and pretty funny dubbing too! :tickled:
I'm sure someone here have seen Enter the Dragon with Bruce Lee, totally awesome fighting scenes, along with the sometimes terrible dubbing, but I think that gives character to the movie.

And another film Point Blank (not that old from the 70s, a new movie with nothing similar to that, just the title), Mickey Rourke is in it, it's a b-movie but with lots of badass fighting scenes (too much almost, a bit fun actually).
One too-amazing-fightingscene I remember were when Rourke jumped on this crazy Indian that had dual revolvers, he jumped up and put his legs around the indian's head (I know!) and then snapped his neck with a twists of his hip (before he did it, the crazy indian guy shot all the 12 shots at Rourke, all misses :) )
Pancakes said:
The final showdown in the movie Violent Cop. Not a fighting scene as far as kicks and punches go, but more of a blam *dead* blam *dead* blam *dead* DRUGS! I WANT DRUGS! blam *dead* blam *dead*.

LMFAO - that's possibly the best summary of that film's climax I've ever read... although you missed out 'Everybody's crazy...'


My fave - Battle Royale, the girls in the lighthouse after the poisoning goes wrong. Genius.
Well, I think Jet Li is pretty cool. Especially in "The One" when he's incarcarated in the end, and he goes "I am Yulaw. I am nobody's bitch! You.. are mine!" and starts beating the crap out of, well, everyone.
For anime-
Ninja Scroll- When Jubei fights the rock covered guy.
Dragonballz- Freiza and Son Goku's infamous fight. (Super Saiyan 1)
For Movies-
Mortal Kombat- Jonny Cage vs Scorpion
Lui Kang vs Reptile
The Transporter - Scene with all the oil and bike petals.
Revenge of the Ninja - Climatic Fight scene on the Roof tops.
Agreed on Ninja Scroll, but I think the fight with the blind samurai is the best.

Any fight/battle scene at all from LOTR, but Balins' Tomb stands out.

Luke/Darth Vader, but really any lightsaber fight, the new movies are so-so but a lightsaber fight is ALWAYS cool.

Most of the fights from Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, but the tree-top scene is a bit much in my opinion.

Any well-done eastern martial arts, or mediaeval style battle, really.