So i'll probably get panned for this....

lanky noob

Jan 13, 2012
The shire, UK
But I like the Star Wars prequels, in fact I love them, they're fucking fantastic.

Obviously they're not as good as the originals, and there are issues with them, such as Hayden Christiansen's god awful acting, padme being a bit of an annoying twat and George Lucas managing to turn the most badass guy of all time into a whining little bitch.

HOWEVER. They're like load imo. They get slated so much because it's not exactly what people want and is too much of a deviation from the originals, yes Jar Jar Binks was annoying, but at the end of the day we're talking about kids films. Yes they are kids films, all six of them. There are the aforementioned problems with them, but look past nostalgic fanboying and you'll see that there are some brilliant movies.
In the sense of connecting the dots, they do that brilliantly, explaining and showing things that are only hinted at in the originals such as the clone wars, and how fucking badass the Jedi order actually was, and how they took care of business before they all died and obi wan/yoda got way past it.
They show the full story of Vader, and even though I hate him turning form a badass into a moaning cunt, the showcase of him falling to the dark side and connecting the dots as to how he fulfils the prophecy and genuinely is the chosen one is nothing short of storytelling brilliance.
Showing why there is a rebellion and a back tale as to what the rebels are fighting for beyond "evil dictatorship", and fighting to regain the democracy, which indirectly shows why Leia was part of the rebellion to begin with, being that her adoptive parents were major players in the republic and democracy.

The major characters are fantastic, from showing Palpatine's rise to power with his plans, precisely and mercilessly pulling all the right strings on both sides of the republic and the trade federation to put himself in power, to Anakin's demise to the dark side due to the conflicting emotions he faces, Yoda's reasoning for exile and Obi-Wan's as well, and Padme's portrayal as a headstrong politician that does things for herself, and her subsequent death due to the tragedy of losing her parter, it's brilliance.

The major issues with the films can all be put down to two things really. Most of them were shot aainst blue screen, meaning that the actors had nothing to work with, (I mean ffs, even Samuel L Jackson put in a relatively "meh" performance), and the fact that George Lucas cannot direct for shit. Best films in the originals? Empire and ROTJ, the two that george didn't direct/co-directed.

Disagree if you like, but in my opinion the prequels are fucking brilliant, and as a final note, include some of my favourite quotes from the entire saga.

"So this is how liberty dies, with thunderous applause"

The final moments of Revenge of the Sith are also incredible. The entire film builds up to the complete demise of Anakin to the dark side, the honesty in which he believes Padme and obi-Wan/The entire Jedi order have betrayed him and that they are evil, and the final battle between him and Obi-Wan is nothing short of electrifying. You can see the pain behind Obi-Wan in what he has to do. The final speech between the two of them after Obi-Wan has defeated Anakin is incredible, some of the best script writing and acting I have ever seen in my honest opinion, perfectly displaying the sadness Kenobi feels concerning his brother and student becoming everything they had devoted their lives to defeating.

Add that to the juxtaposition of the surgery scenes, where Padme is giving birth in a white room and dying in tears of sadness, not pain, and Anakin is horrifically burned, in a dark room and being made into a part mechanical being by droids, and the first famous breath when he is completely encased in the suit, it's a spine tingling moment that also paints the picture of Vader as a man who is evil, but also broken and fragile, believing that he truly killed his love and (to his knowledge) singular child, further increasing the impact of the fight scene between Luke and Vader in ROTJ, when Vader realises Luke also has a sister.

Honestly? I prefer episode 3 to episode 4.

Although the "NOOOOOOOOOOO" hunk of shit that Vader comes out with once he's in the suit for the first time is horrifyingly cringe worthy.
My problems with the prequels are as follows:

1. The dialogue/acting in the originals was campy, but it wasn't wooden. Hayden Christiansen and Natalie Portman's acting is delivered as if it were supposed to be serious. When Leia calls Han a scruffy-looking nerf herder in Empire, you know it's a joke and you can laugh. When Padme says "Hold me like you did by the lake on Naboo," it's supposed to be serious, and that is fucking stupid.

2. The plot explains the events of the original movies, but it's overly convoluted and doesn't get at the key question of WHY Anakin started turning toward the dark side. Was it his mother's death? Was it his arrogance? Was it his refusal to abide by the Jedi code in pursuing Padme? I still don't know, and it seemed like the key events were left in-between the movies rather than in them.

3. "Show, don't tell" is one of the basic concepts of writing for movies and television. You want your audience to FEEL what's going on in the movie, and to infer plot details and emotions based on the events on screen. In the prequels, George Lucas shoves emotions, motives, plot details, and direction in the audience's face. HEY LOOK THE SAND PEOPLE KILLED HIS MOM AND THAT MADE HIM EVIL DO U GET IT. ALSO HE'S ARROGANT AND OBI WAN ACKNOWLEDGES IT SO THAT MEANS HE'S IN DANGER OF GOING TO THE DARK SIDE

That is shitty writing and directing, full stop. It's also why he left no room for the decent actors- Ewan McGregor, for one- to draw out the subtle character development that I think Lucas intended to convey but utterly failed at providing.

4. I don't care what anyone says. The midichlorian scene ruined the prequels for me forever. I pretend they're not part of the canon for precisely this reason.

5. The fight scenes ARE the plot, rather than tangential to it or serving a purpose to advance the story. The second half of Episode II is like those terrible Mortal Kombat movies from the 90s. Ooh! Obi Wan threw his lightsaber at the robot! The robot has 4 arms AND FOUR LIGHTSABERS SWEET JESUS I CAN'T EVEN HANDLE IT

Remember the fight scene between Luke and Vader in Empire? It was relatively brief, full of tension, and had a purpose, which was to reveal that Luke was Vader's son. Holy shit. Think about that. Nobody saw that coming. By contrast, wtf did Yoda need to have a lightsaber battle with Count Dookie or whatever the hell? Who cares? Why is that relevant? It doesn't matter at all.

I generally agree with you that the macro-plot of how the empire came to be, the Jedi order, etc. was pretty interesting, but the movies themselves are utter crap.
eye monster in trash compactor, opening a monster to get warm, sexy bro and sis kiss, goodbye hand and jabba the hut and his crew traumatized me as a child. yeah fucking kids films :/
red letter media did review of the three prequels, each movie in two parts, almost as long as the movies themselves, each one while sometime annoying and ridiculas completely debunks the last three movies as they were in my opinion too awful.

they explain how 2-d most of the characters are compared to the characters in the original,
either way as a fan or not of the prequels you should watch all of his reviews for episode I-III, hilarious for any star wars fan

as a side note this is probably the nerdiest i have ever felt arguing about star wars on an internet forum :lol:
It is the acting, mainly. Once RedLetterMedia pointed out how the great majority of dialogue scenes were done, I figured out what always bothered me. The dialogue does feel wooden, stilted, and forced. Padme and Anakin's love seems forced rather than natural. We got more emotion out of Leia and Han with far less words. In general, I feel Anakin ruined the prequels for me. Not totally Hayden Christensen's fault, as you can only do so much with what you're given (unless you're Raul Julia) but I found myself facepalming at a great majority of what he was doing in II and III, which is why I is the only one I can stand to watch, because Anakin was the least obnoxious in that one.

Of course, if you like it, that's totally your thing. I just don't.
red letter media did review of the three prequels, each movie in two parts, almost as long as the movies themselves, each one while sometime annoying and ridiculas completely debunks the last three movies as they were in my opinion too awful.

they explain how 2-d most of the characters are compared to the characters in the original,
either way as a fan or not of the prequels you should watch all of his reviews for episode I-III, hilarious for any star wars fan

as a side note this is probably the nerdiest i have ever felt arguing about star wars on an internet forum :lol:

I think i've seen plinketts reviews of star wars at least 3 or 4 times. They are vastly more entertaining then the movies themselves, which says a lot I guess.
I think i've seen plinketts reviews of star wars at least 3 or 4 times. They are vastly more entertaining then the movies themselves, which says a lot I guess.

Necro-bump only because I randomly happened to come across one such really good review of the prequels while reading some news (Anakin's child actor running from the police haha).
Thought some of you might enjoy it :)
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Necro-bump only because I randomly happened to come across one such really good review of the prequels while reading some news (Anakin's child actor running from the police haha).
Thought some of you might enjoy it :)

Shit like this just infuriates me because some rando on the internet clearly has a better knack for storytelling and script-writing than the guy who actually made the movies :bah:
Episodes 1-3 sucked.

That is all. Fuck Lucas for ruining that shit.

TBH I think Disney is going to rock the shit out of 7-9.

Disney knows people want the OT style back. Were getting John Wiliams, Kasdan, Hamill, Ford and Fisher (for better or for worse) and what appears to be a fuck ton of goofy puppets and practical effects. I think JJ is going to make help make a movie that is at least better than the PT and judging by the trailers so far i think starwars fans are in good hands!
I disagree with most of you guys. The prequels were brilliant and the Phantom Menace might be the best of the 6 - there is some seriously dark shit going on in that film on many different levels. The more you watch it the better that movie becomes.

I laugh at those of you who are looking forward to the Force Awakens being reminiscent of the original trilogy. You are setting yourselves up for disappointment. If that is what you want just go watch Empire Strikes Back again (it doesn't get old).
I disagree with most of you guys. The prequels were brilliant and the Phantom Menace might be the best of the 6 - there is some seriously dark shit going on in that film on many different levels. The more you watch it the better that movie becomes.

I laugh at those of you who are looking forward to the Force Awakens being reminiscent of the original trilogy. You are setting yourselves up for disappointment. If that is what you want just go watch Empire Strikes Back again (it doesn't get old).
