Moving into a monthly rehearsal space this weekend!


Nov 8, 2005
NJ, U.S.A.
Yep, so excited!

My band FINALLY got word that we can move in this weekend. The studio rooms are next to a Doctor's office in a commercial building, so we can't practice before 5 PM on weekdays, which is fine because we all work 9-5 anyway.

It's a great place. Cameras everywhere, keypad locks, elevator for loading in/out. The room we are getting is one of the new ones and is HUGGGE. We have a futon ready to go, fridge, and plan on adding a TV/Xbox for when we get bored and/or uninspired. :lol:

I can't wait to move all the gear in. Gonna be a serious chill spot and is sure to increase productivity within the band. Until now we had been practicing at a dirty ass hourly space.

I will post pics once we are all moved in. I just wanted to share my excitement.

Oh, duh, how could I forget!? I am going to move all of my recording gear (upon purchasing a lot more of it lol) down there, along with my Mac, so I can have some serious late night sessions, cranked amp tones, etc.

Also, wanted to ask a question...

I have a fairly good grasp on what an ideal acoustic environment should be for tracking and mixing, but can I kill two birds with one stone meaning - can I improve the acoustics of the room for rehearsal purposes and simply leave all of the shit up for when we start tracking?

I don't want to get too hardcore with bass traps, but what would be essentials? Corners and first reflection points?

I will probably build some traps with rockwool.

Congrats! I wish we'd find a rehearsal place soon with the metal band I play in. The drummer and bassist just got out of the army and the singer just moved back to Helsinki, so we're going to start playing again. We just can't do it yet because we don't have a place.
Congrats! I wish we'd find a rehearsal place soon with the metal band I play in. The drummer and bassist just got out of the army and the singer just moved back to Helsinki, so we're going to start playing again. We just can't do it yet because we don't have a place.


Yeah, finding the time and working around schedules to practice is tough. We all work full time and do the band for fun, yet are serious about our music.

This place is a blessing though. It's cloesby and generally just kicks ass. A couple of our buddies bands practice there too.

Corners and first reflection points?

Yep. Also, if the room is less than 1800cf you may want to fill up the entire ceiling with clouds (4" thick, 2" airspace).

Don't forget to fuck the carpet. Once you have the ceiling taken care of, removing the carpet would make things a bit 'lively' - if that's what you prefer.
Yep. Also, if the room is less than 1800cf you may want to fill up the entire ceiling with clouds (4" thick, 2" airspace).

Don't forget to fuck the carpet. Once you have the ceiling taken care of, removing the carpet would make things a bit 'lively' - if that's what you prefer.

Yeah, unfortunately we cannot make any permanent modifications to the space, so I would have to explore other options for the floor!

I could make some clouds though. It's a big space though, I would need a bunch!
