Moving to I dont fucking know where.


Members Only Member
Apr 1, 2008
Osceola Mills, PA
At the beg of Feb, ill be moving. I have no clue where and have until then to figure out where Im going. All my stuff and recording BS are going to be going into boxes until I finally have stability in my life again.

Anyone ever been in a similar situation? Should I just kill someone and go to jail? (thats a joke btw. id go nuts in jail)
Same here man. Life sucks pretty much.. So does foreclosure.

It's even worse that there's no job market (I went to over 30 places in one day.. Not a single one is hiring). So I'll be homeless without a job pretty soon.
I've been scrambling to get everything recorded just so I can have that pretty much..

But yeah, you're not alone bro.
For the past 2 years, ive just been living with a family who felt sorry for the situation I was in. Since ive been here for two years and havent improved my situation, its time to go. They arent 'throwing me out' but they inquired about wtf my plans were with my life. Which means 'gtfo' in a polite way. They are still very good friends of mine, and im not mad @ them one bit. I dont blame them at all. The reason my life has sucked ass for the past 11 years have all been my own doing. Things get good for a little bit, and I somehow find a way to ruin everything again.

My dad blames himself and genetics. I disagree 100%
At the beginning of each of the last few years I've been hoping to get pulled into a Ph.D. program, and the closest one that I'm considering is an hour and a half away... some of these are across the country, and a few are across the pond. I can't fully empathize, since I can always keep working here (even if it's turning me into a grumpy old fart who hates everything), but I know at least part of the feeling... ouch.

This may make me sound like a dick, but what the fuck have you been doing for two years instead of trying to get a job and save up money to move out? I'm not familiar with your situation but you don't make it sound like you made much of an effort.
Dont worry, you dont sound like a dick. Or atleast Im not taking it that way.
I have had several jobs here, but havent actually saved any money. I wasted some money on audio stuff, food, clothes, helping out with stuff at the house, gas, cigs, pot, and everything else. Basically wasted it in a way. Im not very good with money, and i dont want to live with any one else. Im not gonna get into some relationship to have some one to split fucking bills with. I will NEVER live with a chick again, so thats out of the question. Im on my own.

It was a big mistake was moving to such an out of the way area where I did, but I had no choice. Its a one stoplight town I live in now. Way back in the woods of PA. Its a very different world compared to where I grew up. Which is the 2nd largest city in MD. Im 40 mins away from the closest real city. Ive borrowed the car when I could, but I cant use it every day. They do have a spare truck I can use, but its gets like 7 miles to the gallon and I just cant afford to drive it.
I really would like to venture out to real place with lots of options as far as work and things to do.
The biggest mistake I made was not getting some kind of schooling. I shouldve gone to college, because then I wouldnt be in this position. Im very aware that ive had cause all the bad things in my life.
Ive even looked for help to help with some issues I have. Including seeing psychs and even checked myself into a mental hospital before. Hoping to some how reprogram myself. I give up & set myself up for failure. i just dont know to break it.
where is Osceola Mills? I'm in Saylorsburg. I think PA has a way of sorta fucking with people. It's tough if you dont have transportation because most of the area here is woods and you gotta drive 5 mins to get into any sort of town.

I can relate to sorta slacking off and not really accomplishing anything worth bragging about. I have a pretty shitty living situation (sorta with the parents, but redneck as fuck) and that alone brings me down. Worked for my father since I was about 18 and the past few months I basically just "took off" since he couldnt afford to pay me and still owed me over $3,000 from almost a year ago. I didnt even graduate highschool and am finally now working on getting my GED...which is something I really should have done 10 years ago.

Not everyone makes the 100% correct choices in life. Over the past 4 or 5 years I haven't really gotten anything to show for myself except 2 decent tube amps, a guitar, Profire 2626 and a computer. Fuck, I'm 28 and I sit up playing XBox live and drinking beer till 1:00am like a nerdy kid instead of prioritizing and getting to bed early to wake up for work.

Hang in there. It COULD be worse. You could be blowing $20 a day on beer and smokes. Or more. At least you realize your problem, now it's time to act upon what you feel needs to change.