Mozilla FireFox should be viewed as a superior alternative to IE imo
It's Not Microsoft
Tabbed Browsing
Pop-Up Blocking
More customisation
Faster loading
Open Source
Google bar
find as you type links
Not 100%
Few (very few) Bugs
I don't know what else I can really say to get everyone to try it. Pop-Up Blocking and Tabbed Browsing should be enough in itself to get people to convert.
Sooooooooo......... Come on guys. Give it a go. And seek a new path.[/color]
Mozilla FireFox should be viewed as a superior alternative to IE imo
It's Not Microsoft
Tabbed Browsing
Pop-Up Blocking
More customisation
Faster loading
Open Source
Google bar
find as you type links
Not 100%
Few (very few) Bugs
I don't know what else I can really say to get everyone to try it. Pop-Up Blocking and Tabbed Browsing should be enough in itself to get people to convert.
Sooooooooo......... Come on guys. Give it a go. And seek a new path.[/color]