Mp3 + lyrics up

:hotjump: woooow!!! thanks for telling ATG!!
I'm downloading now...but i guess i will patient until tomorrow....want to listen to the track with a friend :)
Woohoo, I was (for once) a good boy, meaning I didn't give in to temptation and downloaded the whole affair beforehand, so this was a very pleasant surprise. Love the keyboards.
cheers phyre!
My acrobat is fucked up..:(

It's pretty cool that the ones who've written the song is Jivarp and brännström...Me likes it!

Beautiful both lyrically and musically!;)
Hmm i listened to it. In the beginning i thought "damn, typical haven-song :/" but then i started liking it very much :)

Siren (never shall i claim my innocence)
My initial feelings regarding Monochromatic Stains:

The first impression was naturally that of pleasure - finally, the long waiting was over and the first fruit from the tree of sins tasted - wonderful. I enjoyed the overriding aggression built in the song and the way the keyboards soften the otherwise extremely hard parts.

As early as on the second time I played it, however, some things started to bug me. I especially felt that the instrumental part from 2:20 on is lacking something and the soloing soon after sounds too banal. Luckily the song returns soon back to business with the last verse, which leaves a good aftertaste. Considering that on Haven I enjoyed the most the "lighter" parts of many songs (Not Built to Last, for example), it is rather surprising to me that I now like the "heavier" parts a lot more. I don't know whether my tastes have changed or it is just this song.

I just checked the lyrics through and can't say much of 'em, except that they are of the well-known Stanne-quality. A further lyrics analysis may follow one day, especially now that there is some solid ground from where to start (referring to what Mikael wrote on the homepage: "Here it own little stab in the dark at the mystery genre and the repercussions of voluntary and self-inflicted unconsciousness. Some aspects of this will be further investigated in the upcoming video, some will be further obscured...Enjoy!"). Btw, how many of you have noticed the trademark Stannesque pronounciation of "just" on the last line of the lyrics? ;)

All in all, I have a positive feeling of this song - the structure is simple, yet interesting; Stanne's vocals are great (I especially enjoy the echoed "heart"); and most importantly, the song sounds fresh - it is not just a repeated Rundown, despite the similar sound.

I don't know for how long I will like this song (there isn't much variation here, after all), but at the moment it tastes GREAT! :)

-Villain (tired and going to bed soon - just needs to listen to this songs a couple more times beforehand)
well, i consider monochromatic stains to be singlehandedly better than the whole haven album.

it's direct and vibrant. the guitars sound shrill and distorted in the right places, while in other right places the melody is almost unbeatable: not standard dt work at all, but a few steps further on the path of complexity and elegance of structure. the solos manage to accomplish the difficult task of sounding at the same time very metal (aggressive, harsh, proficient in the non-dream-theater sense of the word [uh, sorry fathervic :p]) and absolutely consistent with the element of freshness the song introduces. also, there's the one brilliant dt watermark of guitar riffs starting from point a and going all the way to point b, c, and d just to amaze you by being back at point a faster than you can say "monochromatic".

the vocals are not only beautifully intense as always, but also more varied than in the past and more "in tune" the verses that are actually sung: the echo effects over the what will give in first, the body or the lash? and the following line are exactly what the words and the music would suggest using, and the same goes for the whispered growls on lines such as like fingerprints on your heart. there's no single note sung just for the sake of adding something or simply carelessly.

the overall feeling is of a new classic, with its immediate and yet intricated structure, its almost brutal "what-did-you-expect" approach to verses and bridges, its hint of keyboards escorting the song in the background, the ever-improving dt skills of sounding as each instrument stands out and is clearly audible.

i'll post about the lyrics tomorrow, as soon as i'd feel slightly less inept. :)

Holy Shit!!! Did this song fuckin' rock!! I agree with some of you fellas in that it started out with a "haven" flavor to it, but then this puppy takes you on a ride!! I listened to it 3 straight times tonight and it's now 3:45am so i gotta get to bed, but damn, talk about something good to come home to!! I can't wait for this album to come out!! Damn.....July 22nd is so far away..:cry:
I've listened to the song quite a few times and what can I say?: I love it. Stanne has such a special feeling over his's so aggressive and desperate! I agree that it starts with a little feeling of haven , but when I hear the first verse I know this is Damage done! One thing I noticed (and treasure) is that the lyrics are much longer than the lyrics on Haven. Okey; I don't know if every song have long lyrics but I have certain feeling we get more words with this album....that makes me happy:)
The solo is impressing in the way that it grasps my emotions when I hear it!


Stanne's vocals get even better on other songs,so do melodies and other elements mentioned. Monochromatic stains is a great solid song but is like the average of the whole album imho.
Wb Dark_Jester :)

The haven beginning has ruined the song for me, plz someone help me like it :cry:
@Siren: Do you dislike Haven so much? Just listen to the rest of the song and you'll hear that it is just a part of a beautiful creation:) Honestly I don't know how to help you....I like it:)

Silentjohan(Germany is ahead with 4 goals:))