MP3 of my song "Escape"


Aug 2, 2004
Well, over on the John Petrucci forums, I had a band mate post a site with our MIDI files on it, and a guy from Fossil Records came across them and he was awesome enough to sample our song Escape and make it sound quite a bit better. Although it would sound quite a bit better with real guitar tracks, this is a hell of an improvement from the MIDI files...
Thanks again to Fossil Records for sampling this for us, and to everyone else for all of your input!
daaaaaaaaaaaamn son thats some nice stuff ya got there. :cool: what program did u use to make it? great song man, nice use of odd times/synth/tempo changes. i cant wait to hear the real recorded track ... if ur recording it. I have 2 midi files that sound ... well ... midi-ish ... and maybe fossil records could take a look at 'em and try to save them, as well? yeah man great song. got any more midi'd up?
Well, the guy who did it says he used Sonar and some of his own samples, I'm not sure how it all works, but I intend to find out! And yes, I have two more songs on
Go check out the two I have up there, and let me know what you think. Also on that site, you can find the original MIDI file of "Escape."

Here's something some people may be amazed by:
The song took about three months to compose and perfect and three weeks for 6 band members to learn to play it altogether. It was composed primarily without any instrument handy, only to work with a few things hear in there would I pick up my guitar. The band consisted of an 18 year old, four 17 year olds, and one 16 year old. How long each of us has been playing:
Dan Jessen (Myself; 17): two years, four months (Guitar, and vocals)
Jacob Bacon (17): Three years (Guitar)
Mike Haro (18): Three years (Guitar)
Mike Kortsen (17): Three to Five years (Bass, Vocals)
Ryan Dingess (16): Three to Five years (Keys, Vocals)
Dan Martell (17): 2 Years (Drums)
Just thought I should let everyone know before anyone says somethin like "I COULD WRITE LIKE THAT!" or any kind of shit along those lines. ;)
That interlude didn't sound how it should have (harpsichord :confused:...and those transitions between parts never did sound right on the computer...), but other than that, much nicer sound than the silly MIDI of it. ;)

Btw, I am (was) the keyboardist. The whole song was written by me and Dan. He wrote the first couple riffs with guitar/drums, then I wrote my keyboard parts and I took off with it (starting when the vocals come in) and that's what we came up with.

Me and him were talking about recording some of his stuff sometime, so whenever that gets going you can expect some news from one/both of us...we both love pimping ourselves out. :p
Shutup you pompous fool. Nobody likes your music, just deal with it. Your music is pathetic, and your mother smells of...something that smells. :hotjump:
Hi... I am Jacob Bacon, one of the guitarists for katalepsy. You guys should check out our site for more songs. I just added a song i wrote (untitled 3) a few days ago. It isn't completed yet though. Here is the site again...