Mr.DiGiorgio Advice?


Sharp Edged Human Being
Jul 25, 2013
Alberta, Canada
Hello there, Mr.DiGiorgio. First of all, I'd like to tell you how much your music means to me and has impacted my life. I thank you. You are my favourite bassist in the world, and have influenced me so much. Being a teenager in a small town in Canada, I find it hard to find like-minded musicians, so until the time comes when I can finally join together with other musicians like myself, I will continue honing my skills.
I have been working a lot in my free time, defiantly now in the summer, and I have saved up enough money to purchase a new bass. I would like to get a fretless, and I was wondering if you had any suggestions? I have a lot of money amassed in this 'bass fund' so I'm looking into a high-grade bass, but I thought I'd ask the master if he had any recommendations first :worship:.

Also, I was wondering if you had any tips for speed on the fretboard. I have gotten much better, mostly from playing Rush songs, haha, but theres always room for improvement. Any other tips would be greatly appreciated!


P.S. I've been practicing my three-finger picking (3-2-1-2-3-2-1-2-3) technique a ton and am getting faster everyday! :rock: