Mr. Shred-ididle

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Aug 15, 2001
Find some friends young man and do ANYTHING besides this forum! It's not healthy to spend all that time behind a computer asking people who's the best or most over-rated ect...... :Spin:
aww come on.. don't say he must leave this forum, he's also a SyX fan, I think it's kind of rude to just send him away, he doesn't do it on purpose, it's just his enthousiasm. I know your point though, he makes too much threads.
karelrulez said:
aww come on.. don't say he must leave this forum, he's also a SyX fan, I think it's kind of rude to just send him away, he doesn't do it on purpose, it's just his enthousiasm. I know your point though, he makes too much threads.

I didn't use the best wording because I didn't mean for him to leave and not post anymore. I also started this thread not to be taken so serious and some of you are agreeing with me.
Ultimate_Symphony said:
Let the guy start all the threads that he wants... it's his problem, not yours.

You're right it not my problem at all and I'll lose ZERO sleep over it. Do you feel better stating the obvious? I was just trying to stimulate this kid into doing something else and if you don't like that then TOO BAD!
Lord Of The Snow said:
Thanks for speaking that out! I'am also tired of all these stupid threads started by this guy. On the other hand, it's really astonishing how many people answer to those stupid questions.

I was also amazed at all of the responses! :cool:
Liquid Tension said:
You're right it not my problem at all and I'll lose ZERO sleep over it. Do you feel better stating the obvious? I was just trying to stimulate this kid into doing something else and if you don't like that then TOO BAD!

Lame attempt, i'm just pointing something out. If you don't like it, then too bad (see how your logic works against ya?) btw, maybe you should make your language a little more concise, so next time we actually get what you're saying (no offense intended). Anyway, good job if you were trying to make a non-serious thread.
Woah, That was a shock!

Now I'm listening to something very Heavy and angry.

Uh, sorrey guys.

I have been starting heaps of threads because I'm in Melbourne for a "Holiday" and their is NOTHING to do here but go on the net, listen to music and walk my grandma's dog. I also dont know anyone here apart from my grandma, uncles/aunts and cousins.

When I get home I'll acually have something to do. I cant wait to play my guitar and see my friends.

I'm still kicking myself for starting that "Its Yngwie bashing time". I regret that so much. After that I acually listened to Yngwie and was really impressed. (sorrey Yngvai X again)

And the "overated prog bands" one. I was asking a valid question! I didn't think DT was all the hype that they get. I wanted to know what you guys/girls thought about what bands you didn't think was all that good. I wasn't trying to make a DT vs. SX flame war or anything.

And the south park one. Well i thought A light harted talk wouldn't hurt.

But if you guys seriously want me to fuck off, I will. I seriously didn't know I was that bad.

But yeah. I think that was a little mean (very, very, very, very mean in fact) but as cartman would say "wha-ever, wha-ever, I do what I want."

But remember that when I'm home I'm not like this. I just having nothing to do and no-one to talk to out here. But you got to admit it is addictive.
Hey shreddy, dont bother to defend yourself, it isnt worth it. Dont worry what other people think. Make all the posts you want (my only preference is that they are coherent which you have accomplished thus far). If someone doesnt want to read it they shouldnt and then later BITCH about it.

Your okay in my book kiddo ;)

Glad there are some other people here who dont want to take this board too seriously. It should be a place of fun and conversation.

Always remember shitty posts eventually go away cause no one bothers responding to them, unless you are an ass like me and are persistant about checking out bands THAT THEY REALLY WOULD LIKE :lol:
I have no problem with all the threads either. As with anything else in life, if I don't find the threads interesting, I just ignore them -- a skill which almost everyone seems to lack. If all we talked about was SyX it would get stale in here pretty damn quick.

I also hate when people use the ubiquitous "get a life" insult. Even though computers are a huge part of our lives (and have been for quite a while), society still has this massive stigma attached to them, which is really annoying and narrow minded. Just because someone likes to spend time on a computer doesn't mean they have no life. Even if they spend the majority of their time on the computer, they still do things and have a life; they just aren't as active or outgoing as others, which, contrary to popular belief, is NOT a bad thing.

Besides, one of the threads was about South Park, which I happen to like. :)
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