T3h Shred Boiz - Too Grim for Ultimate Metal


Jun 20, 2005

By Jack Deming

UM: To set the mood, why don't you give the readers a short history of the epic saga of T3h Shred Boiz.

Dylan McElvania (Lord Vlad Drac): First you have to understand that their story is a story as long as time itself. Because of this it is impossible to comprehend much of their history. In fact, much of what is commonly understood to be fact regarding T3h Shred Boiz and their history is actually just counter intelligence spewed out from them. It is also confusing to explain because T3h Shred Boiz are history. They both exist in history and are history.
Really the only undisputed fact I know about them is one I read in The Bible. Most people think Jesus disappeared from his tomb after death due to his resurrection, but this is simply not true. If you read deeply into what The Bible has to offer it is clear that Jesus did not resurrect. T3h Shred Boiz ate his fucking body.

It is stated on your myspace that T3h Shred Boiz are "too grim for the internet". However, I understand that wtf was a project in part done over the internet with Gr1m Shadow (a.k.a Ron Calero), who is Nicaraguan. Being a somewhat uncommon means of creation in the metal realm, how much of the work was done over the web and how did the process work for you?

I think the most interesting thing about the recording process of wtf is widely unknown. I'm sure you've noticed that the atmosphere on that disc is unlike anything ever. This is due largely in part to how T3h Shred Boiz created that said atmosphere. Before drums were programmed, before bass was recorded, and even before guitars were recorded T3h Shred Boiz kidnapped about 3,000 people off of the streets of Florida and recorded themselves killing them as background ambience. Chilling. I've never heard of another band doing that before.
I think this cursed the recording process also. I don't think T3h Shred Boiz intended to curse anything, but it happened. The curse didn't hinder the performance though. T3h Shred Boiz thrive off evil so of course the curse made things go much faster.


Lord Vlad Drac

The first Shred Boiz album, 'lol' comes across much more like a project done "for the lulz" between two friends. Has the motive behind the band changed?

There are no motives behind the band because T3h Shred Boiz very existence stamps out the possibility of anything with motive behind it. The meaning of lol is however very clear. All you have to do to understand its deeper meaning is to read the cd title backwards three times.

'lol' featured very capable vocal work by Gr1m Shadow. For what reason did you guys decide not to bother with vocals this time around?

First see that T3h Shred Boiz were not involved in the recording process of lol. That cd is a manifestation of pure evil merely fronted by T3h Shred Boiz. The "voice" that you hear on lol that is said to be Gr1m Shadow is actually not his entire self. That voice is a watered down version. It was something that happened during the mastering process, I think. If T3h Shred Boiz were to unveil the tr00 voice of Gr1m Shadow the world would implode from exploding. This is why there are no vocals on the wtf release.

You've mentioned that you typically play a 6 string Ibanez, but many of the songs on wtf actually feature a seven string belonging to Ron. Did you have to adjust and learn the songs very quickly for the recording?

Yeah. When I got to Florida I didn't know one riff on the entire album. We didn't take time to really learn the songs before recording either. We just set everything up and went at it. I remember how it was, haha! The dialogue of a typical recording day went something like this...

Dylan: Alright, open up Guitar Pro.
Ron: K
Dylan: *looks at tab and learns one riff section*
Dylan: Alright, open up Cubase.
Ron: K
Dylan: *records*
Dylan: *messes up* Fuck.
Dylan: Do it again, Jesus!
Ron: ... K
Dylan: *records*
Dylan: *messes up*
Dylan: Jesus tap dancing Christ...
Dylan: Again, no metronome this time.
Ron: K


Gr1m Shadow

wtf features a range of musical styles, showcasing everything from blast beat laced technical riffage to waltzing, piano driven clean sections. What are your main musical influences in and outside of metal?

Not really sure. I have a hard time answering that question. I listen to a lot of music. I think what happens is I draw some sort of influence from everything I listen to and like. It all just kind of creeps into what I write. I'm not overly concerned with labels, especially when it comes to music. Some artists I love... Buckethead, Orthrelm, Tech N9ne, Infected Mushroom, Godspeed You Black Emperor!, Gnarls Barkley, Fall Out Boy, and on and on. I just lump everything into one category: music. After that I just look for stuff I like.

Are you or Ron currently involved in any other projects?

I think Ron has a few solo type things going on [in addition to co-hosting Metalscape, his metal podcast - JD]. Not too sure though. I can't speak for him. He is unspeakable.

I have a "serious" project called Ghost Snorter (check it out here) that I spend a fair amount of time working on. I was asked to do the score to an upcoming , local independent horror movie called Serpent Lake with Ghost Snorter, so that's what I've been devoting a lot of time to. I'll probably start recording within the next few weeks.

Will we be seeing a follow up to wtf anytime soon? rofl? stfu?

It's hard to say since T3h Shred Boiz idea of time vs. the human idea of time is greatly different. Applying terms like soon simply doesn't make sense in this area. I've heard on the news that about 4% of the population wake up every night hearing one person whisper "omg..." with what seems to be a voice that has characteristics from every voice ever layered into it. Dunno.

In conclusion, please provide a list of things that T3h Shred Boiz are too grim for.

Interviews, cats, reptilian shapeshifters, time, grimness, Jesus or Christianity in general, space, gravity, vegetables, lists, life, conventional plumbing, the name Jack, major keys, and n00bs.

Thank you for the interview.

There you have it. wtf is available for free download at T3h Shred Boiz' myspace.

T3h Shred Boiz Myspace
Download wtf
Perhaps you should take the time to listen to the music, it's quite far from black metal in any form, parody or otherwise.
cool work. frantic. mix is off though. the blast beats in the front of the mix were killing me