Mr Wu: your opinion on Sharon´s EGGFEST


Brazilian Anthrax Website
Mar 26, 2005
South of Heaven
I would really like to know how Mr Wu and the other guys feel about the Ozzfest egg/cut-PA fiasco.

We all know Anthrax likes Black Sabbath, but does BS/Ozzy history is enough to justify Sharon´s attitude?

How would Anthrax feel if the got egged and "Ozzyed away" by the whinny Mrs. Osbourne and her fatty daughter... (not to mention having the PA cut).

I am no Iron Maiden fan, but what Sharon did..gee. Unacceptable IMHO. :yuk:
I doubt Anthrax or most other bands would constantly talk shit about Ozzfest from the stage every night...most bands get on fine with the Ozzfest. At the Detroit stop Bruce really made it a point to trash the audience, Ozzy , the venue and the pa... Big Maiden fan here but I think Bruce had too much of a chip on his shoulder and definitley stepped over the line...And Sharon trying to sabatoge a set is pretty lame. Did Bruce actually think the Ozzy camp was going to sit there and take it for the whole tour?
t-rave said:
I doubt Anthrax or most other bands would constantly talk shit about Ozzfest from the stage every night...most bands get on fine with the Ozzfest. At the Detroit stop Bruce really made it a point to trash the audience, Ozzy , the venue and the pa... Big Maiden fan here but I think Bruce had too much of a chip on his shoulder and definitley stepped over the line...And Sharon trying to sabatoge a set is pretty lame. Did Bruce actually think the Ozzy camp was going to sit there and take it for the whole tour?
actually they did take it..And cowardly waited for the very last night to have some "revenge"(???)
never liked sabbath never liked ozzy and of course I am a big maiden fan.
This just in from an interview posted on Blabb of Sharon with Kerrang!:

Kerrang!: Did you confront Bruce personally about this?

Sharon Osbourne: "No, I didn't want to give Monkey Boy the satisfaction of thinking that he'd annoyed Ozzy. The truth is that Ozzy never heard a single note of IRON MAIDEN's shows, most nights he wasn't on site when the band took the stage. My husband is a prince. And you know what, he had nothing to do with this. He wouldn't stoop to something like this, but I'm a fucking bitch and I have no problem with it.

"Let's face it, the guy is a failed solo singer who's gone back to his band after his solo career failed. I don't know how many albums his last solo albums old in England but in America it sold 6,000 copies. Every solo album my husband puts out goes platinum. Look, tell you what, you take a picture of my husband and a photo of Monkey Boy down to (London's) Regent Street now and see who people recognize. There's no fucking question, is there? And that's what it boils down to: Jealousy. Bruce Dickinson isn't my husband's peer. There wouldn't be an IRON MAIDEN if there was no SABBATH."
What can you say? This is fucking petty. She is making a fucking fool of herself. OK, Bruce said some disrespectful things, but she didn't confront him BACKSTAGE, as she fucking admits right here, and instead makes a public fucking thing of this? Taking below-the-belt remarks about his fucking solo career? Is she fucking kidding?? She's fucking had it. She's fucking done.
I'm sure Scott doesn't want to get in the middle of the petty high school bullshit because A.) He has alot of respect for Sabbath and B.) He has alot of respect for Maiden. I doubt anyone that plays metal(aside from BLS) wants to get in the middle of it just based on the fact that there is always a possibility of touring with either said band...Just my opinion
Having respect to either Sabbath, Ozzy, and Maiden (or to all of them, which might be still possible) has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with condemning such disgraceful, cowardly act. I guess our boys are still hoping to get on Ozzfest next year...
"...the guy is a failed solo singer who's gone back to his band after his solo career failed..." - Who's kidding who? All Ozzy's solo crap isn't worth of "Chemical Wedding".
Drokk said:
What can you say? This is fucking petty. She is making a fucking fool of herself. OK, Bruce said some disrespectful things, but she didn't confront him BACKSTAGE, as she fucking admits right here, and instead makes a public fucking thing of this? Taking below-the-belt remarks about his fucking solo career? Is she fucking kidding?? She's fucking had it. She's fucking done.

Yes, that´s my problem with her. As I wrote in the Ozzfight-thread. Bruce had issues, well deal with it backstage like the businesspeople you are. And for Sharon to act like this when she is the mind behind the biggest metal-event in North America... fucking child.

Ozzy seems like a nice guy but people watch "The Osbournes" to see them goof around, sorry but that´s the truth and the truth hurts mrs. Osbourne.

I see you guys also like the Dickinson/Godspeed version of "Sabbath, Bloody Sabbath"! :wave:
Having respect to either Sabbath, Ozzy, and Maiden (or to all of them, which might be still possible) has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with condemning such disgraceful, cowardly act. I guess our boys are still hoping to get on Ozzfest next year...
"...the guy is a failed solo singer who's gone back to his band after his solo career failed..." - Who's kidding who? All Ozzy's solo crap isn't worth of "Chemical Wedding".

Yeah, your right, gettting in the middle of dumb shit would be the smart thing to do. You have a bit too much hero worship going on. Yes, Sharon is a cunt, but what does Anthrax have to do with a single fucking thing with what happened at San Bernadino??????? ABSOLUTELY nothing. So you got me...I admit it....I think Scott should hold a press conference and talk loads of shit about an already overhyped story.
MyHatred said:
Yeah, your right, gettting in the middle of dumb shit would be the smart thing to do. You have a bit too much hero worship going on. Yes, Sharon is a cunt, but what does Anthrax have to do with a single fucking thing with what happened at San Bernadino??????? ABSOLUTELY nothing. So you got me...I admit it....I think Scott should hold a press conference and talk loads of shit about an already overhyped story.

Yeah but I'm pretty sure if he hadn't quit with AlphaMails after the reunion, he'd give us a word or two about it.
MyHatred said:
Yeah, your right, gettting in the middle of dumb shit would be the smart thing to do. You have a bit too much hero worship going on. Yes, Sharon is a cunt, but what does Anthrax have to do with a single fucking thing with what happened at San Bernadino??????? ABSOLUTELY nothing. So you got me...I admit it....I think Scott should hold a press conference and talk loads of shit about an already overhyped story.
You may call it an overhyped story or a dumb shit (and latter it was - in terms of the feeling left, not the significanse of the incident). We (those who initiated this thread and expressed interest in the opinion of the person we all respect - hero worship?) didn't realize that there are only comics and King's novels we can only talk about, sorry. Thank you, Scott, for taking your time and answering. Really, thanx, man, we know you're busy these days.
P.S. Belladonna's SBS is my favorite cover of this song. But it's not only the quality of singing or playing that counts, but also an attempt. It shows respect and appreciation. Bruce showed that to Black Sabbath.
Bruce Dickinson is a god. Now, I'm a huge Ozzy, Sabbath and BLS fan but Sharon is a cunt. She's got a tight leash around Ozzy and it's a huge shame. Ozzy has lost a ton of respect from a lot of people. Dickenson said in an interview that neither Ozzy or the other members were responsiple because they have too much class, and that's true. Ozzy's money hungry wife and his fat ass daughter have no class at all.