MTVs "use" of Windowpane


AKA Porn-Fingers
Jun 29, 2003
Ok so I’m cool with Opeth getting more coverage but ive seen two occasions on MTV when they have used ( Or miss-used ) the song in their shows.

First time was on a show called "Room Raiders" Basically one of those date shows with 3 potential dates and the “lucky” guy or girl chooses one of them (How FUn??!) They do this by "raiding" the 3 potentials rooms.

The way they used the song wasn’t that bad here. It was a shot of a suburban house which looked all nice, sweet and fuzzy, almost surreal. And Windowpane was just in the back ground. Audible enough to hear but not loud enough to be a big theme, or looked upon as a huge factor in the shot. Basically an elevator-music-use of the song.

Second time was on a show I think called "My Life" show basically about peoples lives and they run like 3 stories in parallel to show I guess the diversity of peoples lives.

They used Windowpane was on an episode where they are following a young guy whose on a hunting trip. Somewhere fairly rugged with mountains in the background. The guy was American, or Canadian. And he was hunting something that resembled a Deer.

Once he had shot the "deer" he said something macho like " That’s how its done folks" and Windowpane comes on. Fairly loud. Its the front of the mix. He is collecting his kill, and “talking about the respect” for it. And then he’s cleaning it and preparing the parts for his departure back to camp. So he’s basically cutting up this animal and Windowpane is blaring.

Now I’ve been hunting for fox, rabbit, and even snake. I don’t have a problem with weapons or blood ( which there was a fair amount for MTV, EVEN TAKING INTO ACCOUNT FOR JACKASS ) but this use of music was just retarded. It was used in one of those instances when you expect some sort of nu metal or hard rock guitar riff to come on and be "heavy" (MTVs version of heavy anyways)

Windowpane drives a bit but not enough to be used as a forefront theme in killing a creature.

I did some media studies in high school and am now at University studying Audio Engineering, I think that’s why I was pissed off slightly and also being a fan helped push that a little further. But regardless of the band it was a bad use of music.

Has anyone seen this sort of bad choice of music on MTV or anywhere else? For Opeth or other bands?
yeah.the fact that you know of all these instances tells me that you watch MTV a lot :lol:

it's bullshit if you ask me, if they use Opeth's songs then I hope Opeth gets compensation and new fans for it, but honestly fuck MTV.
I dont really care if they play Opeth on tv, as long as they dont play the video for TGC. I couldnt believe my own eyes when I saw it, not at all a video Opeth should be in. But as far as I know, they didnt really want to do it, RR forced them. Dont know if its true.
When Opeth is forced to work under pressure they usually turn out something good. TGC is an opposite example of that. They should have at least told the filmmakers what they wanted. :)
That's true about the TGC video and Edit. They've rubbished them both in interviews and joked about how shit the video is live.

Even if the video was badly done and they didnt have a say on it i dont think they should be rubbishing it. They have chosen to sign a contract with RR which probably included the terms of making that video. Signing the contract and then saying they dont like the video is anti-proffesional in my oppinion.

Not that this makes me like their music any less
i don't know about that. from an artist's perspective, i would want my work visualized the way i intended it, and contract or not, to see it portrayed completely different would not make me happy. i do agree though they probably shouldn't bash it constantly, but mentioning dissatisfaction should be appropriate
the reason they do make the music so prominent in their shows despite sounding stupid is so they can be on "music television." they make everything like a musical with a soundtrack or something. it's a technicality