

you will have it cut or do it yourself? (silly question but it happens to interest me... I could never do anything with mine myself, always had to ask mom... ok, I never wanted it to be short, just 2-3 cms to cut to regenerate it)
Loona said:
you will have it cut or do it yourself? (silly question but it happens to interest me... I could never do anything with mine myself, always had to ask mom... ok, I never wanted it to be short, just 2-3 cms to cut to regenerate it)
I think i'll go to the hairdresser:)
I guess i'll be very upset but i have to do it now, otherwise i'll regret it.:hypno: a bit paradoxical no?
french_anatheman said:
I think i'll go to the hairdresser:)
I guess i'll be very upset but i have to do it now, otherwise i'll regret it.:hypno: a bit paradoxical no?
it is but it doesn't matter... do as you wish, unless you regret it it's ok. it's hard to live without regretting anything but sometimes we have to take the risk :)
do it son, cutted hairs are great, I just washed mine and its dry already . ye dont wanna go round looking like some fecking hippie forever
Loona said:
it is but it doesn't matter... do as you wish, unless you regret it it's ok. it's hard to live without regretting anything but sometimes we have to take the risk :)
My hairs are long since i'm 16, and now i'm 22, so i guess it's time
Bambi said:
do it son, cutted hairs are great, I just washed mine and its dry already . ye dont wanna go round looking like some fecking hippie forever
Yep, the advantage is for washing and drying.
And perhaps in the future, short hairs will be better to find a decent occupation:tickled: , since i won't be neither an artist, nor a left-winged intellectual:tickled: :tickled: :tickled:
berds are meant to have long hairs but...
While blokes are meant to have short hairs, its the natural order

truly Lord i'd sinned all my life on the barnet issue but ive seen the light now and i WILL evangelise . :worship:

if blokes must have their hair long then at the very leastmullets/sideburns/perms should be utilised. this heavy metal pony tail thing should be frowned on utterly. blokes didnt wear bobbins at black sabbath gigs in the 70s ffs. It just shows how tewibbly middle class and poncey metal is these days :yuk:
I never wanted to have mine cut, but had it cut 2 times actually... *grr*
first when I started school, was 7 and mom took me to the hairdresser to look somehow 'normal' on me very first school photo. I was too small to remember how it happened, and maybe even too small to complain, but I did look like the complete Beatles after the hairdresser finished (and not to mention I have a totally sad face on that photo, damn I was so happy when it finally grew back)
((okay, here I would like to suggest that I have absolutely no problem with The Beatles, I like them very much, but that head of mine was just another thing...))
the second happened when I was around 14 (it was my 7th grade) when I decided to see the hairdresser for the first time after that shameless thing happened (what I mentioned above) and told her to cut 5 cms to help it grow healthier. actually she left just a little more than 5 cms on my head, and by the time I wanted to tell her not to I didn't have long hair on one side of my head anymore :waah:
actually in my anger I broke a window on the way home with my own hands, and never went to the hairdresser since that... :yuk: mom's just the perfect one to cut 2 cms when I say I want 2 cms off and no more. my hair needs cut quite often unfortunately for it is sooo thin and its ends always break. last time mom cut a bit too much I guess, it's still long but I really got scared when I looked in the mirror... now I don't really notice it, maybe because I got used to it, but recently I happened to see some summer pictures of me and I was like *uaaaaaaaaaaaa* :cry: