Go Blues!!!


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Apr 11, 2002
Where you live
i'm totally surprised at the devils- only 52 games played, so they have like 2 in hand, and they STILL have 73 pts, top in the league tied w/ dallas and ottawa (who've both played 54 games)


I still think at least half the NHL teams should be in Canada, not in the US. It's unnatural to have hockey in Florida & Phoenix.
Originally posted by FrostGiant
NHL sux since there is no team in WI.

BTW, Danny Heatley will be the most dominant scorer in the NHL ever. Just another product of the Wisconsin Hockey program.
TOTALLY- hockey is totally a Wisconsin type of game. Instead of FLORIDA, there should be a Green Bay team or Milwaukee team. The Cheeseheads!!
Originally posted by deadair

i might have to toss that one around...
Seriously, do. That'd be cool. Let me know if you wanna bring the ball & chain & 41d4 MONSTER. I will drool proof the entire city. (starting with the gay bars, as we would MOS DEF hit those)
Blah blah blah.

Actually Wisconsin hasn't had a good team since 1999/2000 when they were ranked #1 all season but went out in the first round of the tournament. And really, that ended up being a really crappy season.