Multilevel sidechaining in Reaper


They call me Juha
May 15, 2005
Espoo, Finland
I was just wondering if it goes like this in Reaper:

Unprocessed #1	-> unproc. #1     -> trigger to SC2
Unprocessed #2 	-> trigger to SC1  \
Unprocessed #3	\		   |
Unprocessed #4  |  sidechain       |  sidechain
Unprocessed #5  |  folder 1        |  folder 2
Unprocessed #6  /                  /

That is, first the tracks 3 to 6 are routed to a folder of their own and the sidechain is triggered by track 2. Then the stereo sum of that whole thing (tracks 2 to 6 post-sidechain) go to a folder of their own, and that sidechain is triggered by track 1.

All while I only want each track to output one signal, ie. each sound is output just once after the whole signal chain.

How can I make that in Reaper? I can't seem to directly make a folder within a folder.