Sidechaining multiband compressor?

Brandon E.

May 9, 2007
Anyone know of any multiband comps that will sidechain? Want to get some 60hz-150hz comp going on the bass track triggered by the kick but the only compressors I can find that support sidechaining are broadband. Do you guys just use single band compressors for that? Seems like it would make more sense to only compress the boomy area.
I split the bass into 3 or 4 frequency bands anyway. I have an opto style compresser with the kick sidechained to it on the lowest band knocking off 3dB. Just be careful with the amount of gain reduction at that stage.
How exactly do you set that up? I have thought about doing that but thought I was just being crazy and didn't know that people really did it

duplicate the bass track... Hi/low pass into different frequency bands.