Multiple amps

Sep 16, 2004
So why track with multiple amps? I've experimented on my own using my triaxis' different modes. I double the guitars with different voicings and it came out ok in my living room. But when i went into the studio it didn't work out too well. I triple tracked with 3 different modes. It sounded better doubling the tracks with the same sound. people seem to like combining 5150's with a Marshall. I mean look at all the stuff you can do now. Multiband compression, automating EQ and compression, amp modeling. But does it make that much of a difference?

In my experience, little that there may be, there is kind of a give/take when recording guitars. For instance, a tone that has great mid frequency sounds tends to have less sharpness to it but a sound that has really good crunch will be less great-sounding in the mid frequencies.

I've had pretty good experiences cutting the mids out of one guitar (generally this one has more gain) and then boosting the mids on the other guitar, which has less distortion. Andy hasn't gone too in depth on all the details of how he got that phenomenal sound on the Nevermore DHIADW album, but it sounds to me that one guitar is only high end frequencies and the other may be more raw, with less EQ applied to it. Again, this is just my guess and don't quote me on that one, for SURE not on this board!