Multiple rhythym to single track?


May 16, 2007
Ok alot of times when i record, i put the rhythym (talking single track here) over multiple tracks (mostly because of playing mistakes etc) so to clean things up ready to eq etc, would i be better of to bounce them all over to 1 single track?

It would save having save having multiple tracks per rhythym. And be alot easier to mix later on. But is this the best idea or should it just be left how it is?
Sorry, I didn´t get anything of your question... :(
What´s "the rhythm" in that case? And what are you "save having save having" at all? I´m sorry if I am simply not able to understand the english language (as this aint my motherlanguage) and get everything wrong.
Ok alot of times when i record, i put the rhythym (talking single track here) over multiple tracks (mostly because of playing mistakes etc) so to clean things up ready to eq etc, would i be better of to bounce them all over to 1 single track?

It would save having save having multiple tracks per rhythym. And be alot easier to mix later on. But is this the best idea or should it just be left how it is?

I would left it how it is and if needed bus them all together without bouncing.
Just to try clear things up. Im not talking the whole rhythm over each track. Its mostly just each section of the song (verse,chorus etc) So i wouldnt be doubling the rhythm. Just combining all the pieces into 1 track.
Sounds like he's talking more of different takes on one track.

I highlight all and bounce, just deal with a single file for each track.

Yeah. But i put each take on e new track. Each track may only have a section like the verse on it.
i rekon you should start again, using an automated click and that way have it all as one, get the guitarist to practice, that way you dont have to cut and paste shit later!..just my thoughts..the bands im recording now use multiple bpms and so that is what i gotta do,,helps the drumer alot!