Multiple tours for one CD


Living the dream!
Oct 8, 2002
Somewhere at 33,000'
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How many times are you willing to see a band play when they are promoting the same CD? Nightwish and Kamelot are on their third tours for the same CD.

Personally, I'll only see a band once per release unless they're doing something special on a subsequent tour.
I saw Rush twice on the current album tour (Snakes & Arrows). I normally wouldn't do so for a band, but who knows when they'll stop touring due to old age :lol:

But for a prog or power metal band... I'd probably only see them once. Especially since my local venue (Jaxx in northern Virginia, just outside Washington, DC) isn't the greatest place in the world and has almost no seating :erk:. Though I did make an exception last year for seeing Sonata Arctica and Firewind at Jaxx before seeing them again a couple of days later at ProgPower - but that was just because we were in the neighborhood and took advantage of it. :)
Depends on the band.
I mean there are some bands where after seeing them one or two times I would never go to see again, even for a new album.

I think you pretty much covered the bands though who do this regularly, aside from Into Eternity and Opeth of course!!! !:lol:
It does depend on the band and the release. I will see Kamelot however many tours they do, no matter what, if they're close. I'm that big of a fan. But Nightwish, not so there's a difference.
When you live in at the arsehole end of the world you take every opportunity to see every band you can because tours don't happen that often. I would see most prog bands multiple times as well as some power metal bands that I like.
I would love to have the ability to see every tour that comes to America the folks in New York and Jaxx, but alas I dont I live in the middle of nowhere. When a bands comes through that I havent seen more then 4 times I am all of it whoever it is.

Side note: just as I was finishing this "March of Mephisto" came on. :p
I've seen Nightwish twice. The second time was mostly to meet up with friends. I really don't like Anette's vocals enough to see them any more than I have for this tour.

I've only seen Kamelot once for Ghost Opera, and it was disappointing. :( I also saw them for The Black Halo tour, and it was awesome.
If it's a band I really like, I'll go see them every time. The Kamelot concert I just saw wasn't exactly the same as the last time I saw them. In fact, they did little off the new album and I'll always go to see some of the other songs.

You can keep Nightwish though. Once was enough with little miss perky country singer.
I saw Maiden 3 times for The Number of the Beast tour, and I'd probably see Freak Kitchen every oppertunity I could... With the price of some tickets currently, I think this is a bit harder to do. You'd have to be a millionaire to follow the Eagles around just for a few weeks! :heh:
That is the one thing about Dream Theater, even though I haven't seen them since 6 degrees tour, they always change up their setlist and every time it was almost all different songs and only a couple repeaters. From what I understand, Portnoy keeps track of setlists as to not repeat themselves and to show variety for the people who come to see them. I have seen them only 4 times, and I got to see them perform almost every song I wanted to hear from them live, with the exception of a few, and I am sure I would of seen those if I would of caught them the last few times they have come through.
For me, it depends on several factors, including whether the band is likely to be performing a substantially different set (Opeth did), whether it's in a different venue, who else will be going (friends' meetup), and in a few cases, whether I know any members of the band (Opeth again). I'm much more likely to "follow" a band on tour if I know them.

I saw Rush twice on the current album tour (Snakes & Arrows). I normally wouldn't do so for a band, but who knows when they'll stop touring due to old age :lol:

Heh, there's a lot of truth to that. I saw them twice on the S&A tour also, but the second show was also my first at a brand-new venue here, and I had a good friend and longtime Rush-fan who went with me to the show. Alas, the playlist was only slightly different.

That is the one thing about Dream Theater, even though I haven't seen them since 6 degrees tour, they always change up their setlist and every time it was almost all different songs and only a couple repeaters. From what I understand, Portnoy keeps track of setlists as to not repeat themselves and to show variety for the people who come to see them.

Yep, he keeps track of each setlist at each city (he also gets a soundboard recording of most, if not all shows), and makes a deliberate effort to change things up so the same city does not get the same songs. I wish more bands did that.
I saw MAIDEN twice this year, Priest 3 times, Helloween/Gamma Ray twice, Iced Earth 2 times (unless there's a cancellation), Divine Heresy (openers but Dino is a nice enough chap) and Metallica twice (Dec).

Now, if I didn't go to PPIX then Helloween/GR + IE would have been just once.

Last year, it was Heaven and Hell twice.
I have seen bands multiple times for the same album, and it's all for similar reasons as those stated above. I'll see Dream Theater every time they come to Chicago because I know I'm getting a different show each time, not to mention they are my favorite band. There are other bands that I don't care to see more than once for an album because they don't change their setlists enough, but I'll sometimes go again. I can add some additional reasons to the list. For example, I saw Symphony X the last time they came to the Pearl Room because my friend had an extra ticket (their setlist was almost identical to the previous show's). Also, I saw Kamelot the last time they came around because my girlfriend didn't get to see them the previous time. I would have preferred to see Yngwie the next night, but boobs win over guitar heroes almost every time!

Stay metal. Never rust.
Well I am pretty sure it has something to do with the fact that bands make more money off of shows and merch sales (a tour) than off making CDs.
One must remember that a lot of these bands are doing this as a living and it is their only income, so until crowds shrink enough for it to be worth it to make another album it is financially wise to keep touring.:kickass:
Well, Nightwish's third tour is mostly (all?) makeup dates so it's not like they're playing the same exact locations every time. Multiple tours also give them the chances to hit places they didn't go the tour before because it's not exactly easy to find 2-3 months of time to tour one location and hit all the spots so fans are happy. Plus it's expensive as hell to bus all across America. Hell, I think Lacuna Coil toured the US 4 or 5 times in support for Comalies. I think they've also toured at least 3x for Karmacode too. Granted half the tours were opening for other bands and two were Ozzfest but when you're an emerging artist in the US, you try to keep them vested.
A lot of US artists are also pretty similar unless they actually make money from album sales and/or have sponsors so they don't need to constantly. You probably just notice it more with these bands because they're a part of genres that overall aren't that big in the US so most bands don't tour the US much because they aren't popular enough to actually make money touring here 3x in a 2-3 year period.

And yes, if I love the band, I'll not only see them every tour, but multiple cities on the same tour if I can. Three times now I've seen bands that played PP at venues closer to me.