Murderdolls---opinions please.

DaRkCRoW said:
You GOT to be kidding.. !

those are all numetal bands (well except for manson i guess)... numetal should be banned from the metal catagory

:lol: Yes, sarcasm was intended there.
As far as the band goes, it's not really the mass media coverage... When kids look at bands such as Slipknot, KoRn, Marilyn Manson, Murderdolls, Mushroomhead and the like, they're not looking for musical talent. I find that most eleven year old children who listen to this music, listen to it because they want to fit into the crowd "goths" if you will. (Please, before you flame...I know these sorry kids running around with Linkin Park hoodies and black finger nails are NOT gothic. Thank you) They believe their music makes them "freaks", and "outcasts to society". So they find a reason to be depressed, like the lead singers in their favorite bands... AND THEN they bitch about not being accepted and what not when THEY'RE the ones who segregated themselves in the first place. Humm, the kids that listen to this music listen to it because it is social propoganda that tells them "they'll never be accepted, so be a F]234]{ 4 L1F3"...:rolleyes: Anyways, I realize some people really listen to the Murderdolls for the music, and I respect their tastes and opinions. As for the kids that I just described....:puke:
Ha ha ha ha porno-grind blows though. It's a bad joke. I like some bands that get some mass media coverage but I know music beyond that.
I'm a massive Slipknot fan, mainly because they where brilliant live, but Murderdolls just takes the piss, they are shite. Stone Sour is the better Slipknot breakaway, old and new, I REALLY like the old Stone Sour, melodic with good lyrics..
Joey should just stick to drums. He does do blast beats for Slipknot.

I like a few Stone Sour songs (yeah, that's right)but they sound like a toned down version of Slipknot which gets pretty boring.
Stone sour's been around far longer than Slipknot, although they dont really sound the same as the older version I'm sure they will eventually progress, Corey cant exactly go on high notes while in Slipknot at the same time I guess.
Nightmarez said:
As far as the band goes, it's not really the mass media coverage... When kids look at bands such as Slipknot, KoRn, Marilyn Manson, Murderdolls, Mushroomhead and the like, they're not looking for musical talent. I find that most eleven year old children who listen to this music, listen to it because they want to fit into the crowd "goths" if you will. (Please, before you flame...I know these sorry kids running around with Linkin Park hoodies and black finger nails are NOT gothic. Thank you) They believe their music makes them "freaks", and "outcasts to society". So they find a reason to be depressed, like the lead singers in their favorite bands... AND THEN they bitch about not being accepted and what not when THEY'RE the ones who segregated themselves in the first place. Humm, the kids that listen to this music listen to it because it is social propoganda that tells them "they'll never be accepted, so be a F]234]{ 4 L1F3"...:rolleyes: Anyways, I realize some people really listen to the Murderdolls for the music, and I respect their tastes and opinions. As for the kids that I just described....:puke:

:rock:your sooo right! :grin:

i am getting tired of kids asking if i have heard the new slipknot or murderdolls album and tryin to convince me that they are "THE BEST METAL BANDs" of the world... :yuk:
very well said nightmarez. I think joey has a shit load of potential as a drummer, he just wastes it in slipknot and im not that impressed by his guitar playing anyway, although i doubt murderdolls test his ability. The Murderdolls are a complete bucket of tripe along with every other nu-metal band on the planet. About as much lyrical depth as the grooves are in the bottom of my shoes.
Murderdolls rock! They're not matal..but theyt have so much energy and they don't care...they're not trying to be andything paticular, eventhough they have a strong image...and they're amazing live. #Their tiawns are cool too. :)
They believe their music makes them "freaks", and "outcasts to society".

True for some kids I know. They listen to it because they want to look like "rebels" or "freaks". Samething with bands like Linkin Park they have that attitude.. My girlfriend broke up with me thus making me feel so angry and hollow inside, so I'm a misunderstood rebel :rolleyes: Bullshit. Bullshit.
hmm.... I like Linkin Park and Papa Roach.... not because I think I'm being all rebellious but I like the tunes- even though it is pop metal.... it's still good.... I also like a range of many other bands including nu-metal, Hatebreed, Cradle Of Filth, Soilwork, Archenemy and I also like punk..... don't bash the music for it's image bash it for being shit.... now back to the topic... the murderdolls... hmmm.... WORST LYRICS EVER!!!!!!!! Very humourus to watch on stage tho.... but definitely not a CD I would buy
"Hey Frankenstein.... what's on your mind/ hey Drcula.... I heard you suck" not real good