Jesse, this is not the first time you caused some controversy, you were a cunthair from being banned before, it was actually James who saved your ass back then, he was asking to cut you some slack cause you were in a difficult situation in your life.
Yes, James Murphy has sold lots of CDs and did play guitar on many albums that we grew up with, but before all he's a really down to earth guy who's talking freely to many of the forumites on AIM etc, he's even going out of his way to help someone in a tight spot...
that's why he called you (or what he believed to be your number).
Does it give you a hard-on to tell your friends "James Murphy is a buddy of mine, we're really close, I even play pranks on him"...? I mean, sounds twisted but that's the only reason I can think of to understand what drove you to doing this....well, I still can't understand it, but I'm trying to.
I'm not riding James' cock or anything and I'm not putting him on a golden throne just because he's played on some of my favorite albums, no, I appreciate him as a person who's willing to help with tips, tricks, info and opinion.
You took advantage of that in the most deranged way.
Well, I don't even know what to say about that, cause I think it should be self-evident, and you seem to be the only person who thinks it's cool to pull a stunt like this.
It's not.
also, sharing a private conversation on a public forum? What makes you think that everyday etiquette and reason doesn't apply to a forum on the internet?
and in this case even worse, not only did you share a private conversation on a public forum, you also included personal information about people that have NOTHING to do with this.
I am not trying to insult you when I say I'm HONESTLY thinking that you have some mental issues you should deal with, I really don't understand what makes you think doing something like this would be ok.
I hope you'll man up and take some time in the next days to write an email to James apolgizing for your behaviour...I'm not your father, I'm not telling you what to do, just saying that's what I would do if I woke up after a drug/alcohol-night realizing that I fucked up BIG TIME....takes some balls though.
Not that an apology would change anything, just saying that it's sometimes helpful for ONESELF to man up and admit one's fuck ups.
I'm speechless