Music played over the Earthlink PA...

Hey Matt -- Looking very much forward to the new album!!

Funny thing about the parody is, I heard it before I heard any of the new Metallica stuff. So when I finally heard Metallica, I thought, "Wow! The parody was better than this!" :)

-- Laura
Theocracy said:
Heh heh, thanks. As soon as I heard that opening riff come cranking out of the PA, I had to chuckle. There was a funny quote on Perpetual Motion a few days back, something like "Banging on a metal chair sounds even better through a wall of PA speakers." :D

Here's a tribute to the tribute, if you want to download it or check out the lyrics, etc.:


Matt Smith

Matt you and Theocracy rock! :) Kick ass I really dug the tunes and as soon as the so called "booklet" from the CD has the right colors and is ready to ship out, put me down for a copy! Keep on rockin!!!!

Cheers -Tony
Vision said:
I heard a song friday night, just prior to Mercenary taking the stage that I really want to own. The sad part is that I'm not sure who it was; the announcer that followed was just a little garbled. I *thought* he said that the band was Predator and the song was "Burn The Sun", or something to that effect. Can anyone help? I know "BTS" is an Ark tune/CD and I just don't think that was what I heard! This song also came over the PA on saturday, with the same results. Does anyone have any idea what I'm talking about?
ARGGGG BURN THE SUN!~!!! Thats a kick ass song from ARK. But my favorite is Resurrection and Torn by far. :)