Music that overwhelms you with emotion

Krilons Resa

Jerry's married?!
Nov 7, 2002
Inside dorian's gym bag.
I need some quick recc's in this department. I need something new that grabs me by my emotional balls. Cue the fag syndrome....


Pain of Salvation - Remedy Lane
Bathory - Hammerheart
Doomsword - last two albums (NAD check it out you fool)
Agalloch - last two full-lengths
Arcane Sun
Estatic Fear

etc etc etc

emotional, ethereal, whatever
Well, to be accurate "Waldpoesie" is the entire second chapter, so I refer specifically to track #7....specifically the strings and nylon acoustic guitar section...I don't have the tracklisting in front of me....that whole segment portraying the forest between the moor and the stream is some of the most beautiful music I've EVER heard.

EDIT: Yes! You're right, it is just "Waldpoesie" -- the only chapter on the album not broken into subtracks. Sorry, yes you got it, track #7. It makes everyone cry.
Oh my goat just thinking of #7 on Weiland gives me goosebumps.

King Crimson - Book of Saturdays
Their best song, just coats me in emotion.

George Harrison - All Things Must Pass
The whole album is awash with feeling and flat out love. Brilliant brilliant brilliant.

Come on now. :D

Jerry Cantrell - Degradation Trip vols. 1 & 2
Absolutely astounding, tracks like Locked On, Siddhartha, and ESPECIALLY Pig Charmer move me in ways that other music doesn't.

Cat People - soundtrack
Weird weird shit that freaks my soul out.
Cat Okay, I'll see what I can dig up.

Oh ya...go and get that Doomsword - Let The Battle Commence cd-r in your bottomless stash, RIGHT NOW, and spin it a few times. Then come back and give your two pence.
J. said:
Isis' last two records (duh...)
Jeff Buckley
Devin Townsend's Terria
Excellent choices. As I've discussed with JK before, Devy is very 'hit or miss' but that one song after Earth Day on Terria where it goes into one of the most incredible solo/musical moments in history. Godamn that songs fucking moves me.

"Fragile Dreams" and anything from Resonance makes me weak.

Also Coldplay, Gehenna, Down, and Dave Gray... at least for me.
Cat People is... well shit it's weird. It starts off with probably David Bowie's greatest song (Putting Out Fire), then the rest is strange 80's synth, but HOLY FUCKING BALLS it rules. Try Paul's Theme, The Autopsy, and Night Rabbit. Just remember that I said it's weird.

I'll listen to Doomsword tonight, I just put it in my "listening position," aka the right arm of my couch. :loco:
Let's not forget about Skepticism. Stormcrowfleet is the most crippling, depressing album I own. Not many bands can evoke such an empty, claustrophobic, feeling as Skepticism can. It's fuggin' ridiculous.