Music Video from my band......

K Odell

Jan 23, 2006
Greensboro, NC
So we did our first music vid:

Music videos have to be the most awkward thing to do ever. But anyways check it out, feel free to crack jokes, and notice all the blatant Jackson/Charvel shots haha.

We wanted to do something without a storyline and more of a Pantera "I'm Broken" feel. We shot this at our practice spot which is a warehouse we rent out.

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Cool Kyle, I dig it! Your other guitarist needs to take off that fucking hat, and your drummer definitely has the sheepish teenager look, but he plays well (or at least it sounds like it, but one can never tell from a recording these days hehehe), and the mix sounds fantastic! Did you do this yourself dude? Also, is it just me, or are there really not that many shots of you compared to the other guys (except when your playing your sweet lick in the chorus). And the camera is making me seasick :) Sweet overall though, very professional looking, congrats!

Oh, and cool solo man!
hahaha thanks Marcus. Yeah we crack jokes at Andy quite a bit about the hat. Basically Andy and Trey(drummer) have never been in a serious band, so they are kind of learning what its like and all. Image, stage show, etc. All the lame stuff haha. But ummmmm all the heads in the shot are mine actually. Andy is playing my Krank now until he gets a new head and the Recto is a Single Rec. I actually dont even use it. Its purely for back up.

Also in regards to the mix. I did everything indeed. Something I spent a lot more time on than these little practice mixes ya know.
Thanks man! I am big fan of your band and since we are fellow NC'ers, me thinks we should play a show together sometime haha. Which reminds me are you guys playing out anywhere around anytime soon? I know you guys are doing the soilwork date right?
hahaha thanks Marcus. Yeah we crack jokes at Andy quite a bit about the hat. Basically Andy and Trey(drummer) have never been in a serious band, so they are kind of learning what its like and all. Image, stage show, etc. All the lame stuff haha. But ummmmm all the heads in the shot are mine actually. Andy is playing my Krank now until he gets a new head and the Recto is a Single Rec. I actually dont even use it. Its purely for back up.

Also in regards to the mix. I did everything indeed. Something I spent a lot more time on than these little practice mixes ya know.

Haha, amazing how obvious it was that they weren't as experienced as the rest, but as long as they're cool and get the job done, they'll learn! And I can totally see why you wouldn't wanna use the Single Rec, I can't stand that amp! ;) And yeah, I don't doubt you've got mixing chops man, hope I haven't offended in the past! :wave:
Marcus, you most def have not offended me in the past. I appreciate honesty over lieing and doing the whole......"yeah man.......that sounds........awesome!" haha. I appreciate your kind words. I dig the single rec, but its definantly not my first choice. I enjoy my 5150 worlds more and my Krank also.
Good to see some other fellow traditional grip drummers still alive!

Killer job on the mix dude. However if I were DP, I would have used more steadicam/crane shots than all that twirly/24-esque shotty camera work. But that's just IMO. :D
Marcus, you most def have not offended me in the past. I appreciate honesty over lieing and doing the whole......"yeah man.......that sounds........awesome!" haha. I appreciate your kind words. I dig the single rec, but its definantly not my first choice. I enjoy my 5150 worlds more and my Krank also.

Cool man, glad to hear it, and always happy to oblige! :D Have you decided to hold on to your Krank, then? How are you liking it compared to your 5150?
Good to see some other fellow traditional grip drummers still alive!

Killer job on the mix dude. However if I were DP, I would have used more steadicam/crane shots than all that twirly/24-esque shotty camera work. But that's just IMO. :D

Hahaha yeah dude. The vid makes me a bit queesy too. It reminds me of that video game Jet Moto. That game made me sooooooo sick when I would play it. Bad when you have to take dramamine just to play a game.

As for the Krank. I dont know yet man. I mean don't get me wrong I love it. But I just miss my roadster soooooo much that I am thinking about selling my Krank and just buying another one.
The Roadster seriously is one of the greatest amps I've ever heard - do you have that clip you posted of it awhile ago still? Cuz damn did that rule, and a guy in a local band in my college town has one, and DAMN does it sound amazing (helps that he's a killer player too!)

Don't forget the trusty 2 ch. Dual Rectifier though man - I got mine for $1130 shipped, and even though its serial # dates it at around 95-96, since I put new tubes in it it's been cranking like a champ
The Roadster seriously is one of the greatest amps I've ever heard - do you have that clip you posted of it awhile ago still? Cuz damn did that rule, and a guy in a local band in my college town has one, and DAMN does it sound amazing (helps that he's a killer player too!)

Don't forget the trusty 2 ch. Dual Rectifier though man - I got mine for $1130 shipped, and even though its serial # dates it at around 95-96, since I put new tubes in it it's been cranking like a champ

Man I really wish I still had that clip haha. I dont even remember what it sounded like. But yeah I am weighing my options right now. I get the Roadster's for a really good price, so I am not sure what I will do.