music vids

Kenneth, you forgot being shot in an empty warehouse...

that's for "hard rock" or we were once metal, but have since discovered that we actually make enough money to rent a warehouse or otherwise break in long enough to shoot a video.

said videos MUST at some point include one of the following:

1. rain on drumkit.
2. shots of the band headbanging furiously while playing the song... no cables or amps in sight.
3. lightining.
4. close up of "metal face" :erk:
5. fire.
6. snow, lights flickering, reindeer, and other gr1m paraphenalia
I think "Wicked" would be quite cool for a SYMX video. Imagine the band ripping it up in some god forsaken place, e.g. mountain or desert with bad weather (rain, wind or snow). I'd find that rather cool, much like like Slayer's "Seasons in the Abyss". Could well go without cheesy sword and armour stuff
there is one law that must be followed should such a thing occur:

throughout the video, it must be obvious that no one is plugged in. they must rock out hardcore despite no sound coming out, as the 'sound' for the video would clearly be the studio track. on top of this, they must act as if they are playing for a crowd of a quarter million. in the desert. or on the mountain with bad weather. with swords. and cheese.
A while back I was listening to The Odyssey and I thought of two songs that would make awesome videos: Wicked and King of Terrors.

The former has the band rocking out in a spooky graveyard, with a destroyed church nearby. The latter is in a medieval-looking dungeon area, with lots of pits and swinging pendullums.

However, it would take a lot of money to make videos like these look good and not overly cheesy, and it's probably not something I could see Symphony X spending their money on. Most videos are made for mainstream, radio-friendly songs, and nothing in Symphony X's catalogue fits that description.

I agree. And for the "Luca doing something"-part I think it would be insanely cool if he was reading a book or perhaps collecting insect samples. Or baking bread. :kickass:
there is one law that must be followed should such a thing occur:

throughout the video, it must be obvious that no one is plugged in. they must rock out hardcore despite no sound coming out, as the 'sound' for the video would clearly be the studio track. on top of this, they must act as if they are playing for a crowd of a quarter million. in the desert. or on the mountain with bad weather. with swords. and cheese.

Just like Emperor's vids! :kickass: