Musical Appreciation .. The Police


Nov 13, 2003
Las Vegas
Ok being a kid of the 80s of course the whole early "alternative rock" thing was a huge influence on me.

That being said i was browsing around You Tube today and found something that i though was AMAZING ...

I gave up on the grammys the year Jethro Tull became "Heavy Metal", the simple fact that a band like "tull" (who i love dont get me wrong) being called metal proved to me that the music industry is fucking retarded.

That being said anyone in the last week who said "Grammy" to me I would immediately stop and say ... i dont care.

Well now Im kicking myself for not watching it. Noone told me anything about the reunion of one of my fave bands of all time.


For those of you only familiar with songs like "Roxanne" and "Envery Breath You Take" there is a whole plethora of other material that was just ground breaking.

Stewart Copeland is simply one of the greatest drummers that has ever lived. Andy Summers guitars take up more space than Holdsworth and Lifeson put together, and Sting has always been a musical genius, not to mention can hold the bottom end like almost noone (hes extremely UNDERrated as a bass player).

So browsing You Tube I find the 2007 preformance of Roxanne. I say ok ... typical their biggest hit, but hey im a fan and its great to see these guys onstage together once again.

Well, we get through the 1st verse. Awsome!! Its tight, Sting sounds great, Stewart and Andy are all over the Harmonies in the chorus ... I was very pleased.....

All the sudden the musical prowess of them bursts forth into probably one of the most awsome avant'garde musical pieces I've ever heard. OMG .. they totaly proved in the simple 16 bars that make the 2nd verse they are indeed musical genius !!!

To say i am very please and hope they get back together permanently is an understatement.

To check out this AMAZING performance.

Click the link.
Here here! That was great, and yes, I did watch that part of the Grammys, only for The Police! I would like to catch the tour, but you know: A. those tix are going to be out of hand in terms of $, and B. Sold out wherever they go within hours, guaranteed. Great band, great musicians, great music!:rock: :rock: :rock:
Sting is a genious, even on his other projects. Every Breath You Take is still a song i always enjoy to listen to and never get bored of it.

and jason, with the whole music industry being retarted...well you couldn't of said it any better; Fukin' stupid. Now days music is becomming an "image" which completly pisses me off *cough Rap* Anyway nice find.
pretty cool song. My dad listens to them a lot. I might check them out.
as tickets are concerned, when the rolling stones played in seattle the tickets were 400$ or so for good seats. One guy from school, payed 1000 at the door from some guy that was reselling the tickets. Damn rich kids:lol:
Fantastic band. One of my favorites, ever.
Not many people can come together and create such genius music as they did.
Or should I say do?
Let's hope that they continue again.
Here here! That was great, and yes, I did watch that part of the Grammys, only for The Police! I would like to catch the tour, but you know: A. those tix are going to be out of hand in terms of $, and B. Sold out wherever they go within hours, guaranteed. Great band, great musicians, great music!:rock: :rock: :rock:


I should be able to get a super sweet deal on good seats for the MGM Grand show here in vegas. Shit dude you should come out for it.

Email me if you want me to try and get you a pair or 3!!!

Im not missing this no matter what it costs.
I love Sting

My 4 years old son's fav DVD is by far Sting's live in SF from Brand New Day Tour with amazing Chris Botti on a trumpet, and guest appearances from Stevie Wonder and Chab Mani.

I dig this one also - esp. great version of Moon over Bourbon Street when he sings like Lou Armstrong

There has been a discussion or two that turned out to a debate over the Grammy's... needless to say, the case for them is not easy.

Have you heard the 'cover' of 'Every Breath You Take' featuring the nerds singing about economic policy (from when Greenspan left) and the horribly dorky music video? I'll have to find it if you haven't.

I still have the Synchronicity VINYL :) I was in 7th grade :) I'm not saying I liked all Police stuff: Roxanne makes me puke, Da-doo-doo-doo ... interesting song - irritating phrase, but some of their stuff was genious, and Sting's solo stuff has lots of merit as well. (Fortress around your Heart pops to mind) E speaks occasionally of metalizing Synchronicity the song for on stage. I'm damn curious what that would sound like. I remember distinctly memorizing the lyrics to Synchronicity II... really taking in the meaning behind them. Realizing there was much more to music than what was on the surface... and took one step further until I walked into the depths of metal.

No other band (at that time) got me curious enough to go to school and look up things like Scylla and Charibdes, Mephistopheles... unfamiliar gods and places and words I'd never heard. There's one in particular that I just can't remember. I spent even more library time after I journeyed through Black Sabbath :)

and also finding an ingenious way to utilize the word "din" for the rest of my life!!! hehe.

A year has passed since I wrote my note
But I should have known this right from the start
Only hope can keep me together
Love can mend your life
But love can break your heart...

always thought this song was brilliant as well. Tried to explain it to my mother and failed miserably ... like when I tried to explain Bowie's "Space Oddity" and she said something to the effect of "that was stupid, why would anyone be so stupid?". See my parental background may have pushed me a bit toward metal.... and I stopped trying to explain. they weren't gonna get it anyway.