Musical Enlightenment

Id said:
lmao just registered and for some reason it billed the whole year at once? you fuckers better be grateful

:notworthy: :goggly: :Smokin: :kickass: :rock:

nice one, Id. may your rule be long and fruitful.
NineFeetUnderground said:
thats something people with shit taste always say.

similar to how parents tell their ugly kids that beauty is on the inside.

I see you are in great need of sharing some childhood memories with us... ?

And if you could take your head out of your asshole just once, you would see that: A) musical taste is not a matter of right and wrong, B) opinions like yours (i.e. shittossing at everything) mostly come from unaccomplished musicians from crappy bands and C) your ass needs wiping
Captain James T. Fudgepacker said:
oh no you must of missed the whole imo saga hahahah

well i was saying it as, not as "imo?" <wtf? if that makes sense
but YES, i did miss the imo saga, cause i noticde everyone was doing that and other queer abbreviations a lot. too bad 1 day after i came back the forum went byebye.
:Wreath: said:
I see you are in great need of sharing some childhood memories with us... ?

i agree, imo
NineFeetUnderground said:
oh boyee. now the waters will part and youll ruin wreath's life forever, for he will find out i AM actually more famous than mikael will ever be, lol


yeah you and mikael are probably pretty close in fame imo
thats true, but im sure many more people would recognize mikael walking down the street in comparison to you (because you obviously look a lot different)

but, if you ask someone if they know who dominic is compared to mikael akerfeldt, dominic would probably win

therefore you're both pretty close in fame imo
a rofl nazi said:
thats true, but im sure many more people would recognize mikael walking down the street in comparison to you (because you obviously look a lot different)

but, if you ask someone if they know who dominic is compared to mikael akerfeldt, dominic would probably win

therefore you're both pretty close in fame imo

truce imo