Musically retarted Please help


Oct 4, 2005
Hey guys
There seem to be quite a few musically educated guitar players here.
Can any direct me to a good source for info on general music theory related to guitar. I have played bass for many years and have receintly switched to guitar. I could bullshit my way enough with bass and just play what sounds right but not really knowing what Im doing :confused: , but on guitar its another story. I get completely lost with anything above the 12th fret (seems so tiny) So if anyone can send me in the right direction for a source to learn general guitar music theory it is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance :worship:
If theory is your main concern then I'd suggest "Harmony & Theory" by Keith Wyatt and Carl Schroeder.

As for the technical aspect (I guess it's electric guitar) there are tons of books out there you could look for. :Spin:
What I'm doing to learn Guitar Theory is that I'm taking Piano/ Classical Guitar lessons. (It's really supposed to just be Piano, but another teacher always walks in and starts playing some crazy Classical Guitar stuff.) So far, it's been working wonders.
Thanks Eternal dragon that zentao site is usefull. And you are quite right, learning this stuff is boring, but eventually I will grasp the concept. The funny thing is, my step mother is a high school music teacher, and so is my aunt. But the both live a few hundred miles away.
No need to learn anyhting... although it really really helps. For example, if you know your freatboard well, learning the chords will be much easier: you can easily calculate them on the run (eg, if someone says a CM7, you know a CM7 is a C, an E, a D and a B. If you know where are those four notes, you can play any inversion right away).