Musician question here...


Active Member
Nov 29, 2001
Warsaw, Poland
I wanted to know if there is a program that works as a keyboards? I mean that can do things that can be done on keyboards, that plays some music straightly in Cmin or whatever...

I want to impovise with it while playing the guitar but I cant find any shit like that...

Please help :D
I will ask our drummer, he has lot's of music making programs. I see him wednesday evening so i will post thursday if nobody else came up with something.
I don't really know if anything like that exists. Remember when I was looking for the same except for drums? Now if you had a keyboard you could just loop through your computer, it would be a hell of a lot easier. If you find something, let me know.

NP: In Flames - Insipid 2000
SSJ4SephirothX said:
Remember when I was looking for the same except for drums?

Also, do you remember how Mattias and I told you about programs that were exactly like those which you searched for? And, do you remember how you started TWO threads about the same thing, even though I had posted excellent advice on the first one? Had you listened to me the first time you probably would have been happier now, and not made a second thread, and not whine like a baby which I´m sure you´re going to do to as a reply to this post.
U[Sic]M said:
Also, do you remember how Mattias and I told you about programs that were exactly like those which you searched for? And, do you remember how you started TWO threads about the same thing, even though I had posted excellent advice on the first one? Had you listened to me the first time you probably would have been happier now, and not made a second thread, and not whine like a baby which I´m sure you´re going to do to as a reply to this post.

Ahhhhh.......yes. Isn't it great to have such an incompetent dickhead reply with such wisdom. *Bows down* Seriously dude, you are a very big asshole and I don't understand what you think you may accomplish by trying to make people think that you are intelligent when in fact, you are the complete opposite. And yes, I do remember and have those utilities but there is a difference between a program that allows you to create a track and add it into the mix than creating a track from the guitar track(s) already created and then editing it. You cannot do what I was asking for and people failed to realize what I was asking. I in fact never found what I was looking for yet I found an alternative but I have been too busy to actually create the percussion track and then add the guitar tracks. That is besides the point though. BodomiC was simply asking a question and I was replying to HIM and him alone. I didn't need some stupid piece of shit like you that no one likes nor enjoys talking to. I hope you realize that you are a very pestimistic person and those negative thoughts will get you nowhere in life. In fact, when I think about it, you are probably a 13 year old 4-eyed fat ass that loves the cock who lives behind a fucking 7-Eleven selling crack for $20 a pound. I thought that you were gone for good, but I suppose I was wrong. Too bad you don't live near me, then I could show you a thing or two about respect.........

Anyways, back on topic, I hope you found something BodomiC.

NP: Rhapsody - Gargoyles, Angels of Darkness
thx dude, and as for matias :mad: U noisy little motherfucker, get the fuck out of this board because your posts dont help anyone in anything, they just piss everybody, so please not share your wacko ideas with us, will u?
SSJ4SephirothX said:
Ahhhhh.......yes. Isn't it great to have such an incompetent dickhead reply with such wisdom. *Bows down* Seriously dude, you are a very big asshole and I don't understand what you think you may accomplish by trying to make people think that you are intelligent when in fact, you are the complete opposite. And yes, I do remember and have those utilities but there is a difference between a program that allows you to create a track and add it into the mix than creating a track from the guitar track(s) already created and then editing it. You cannot do what I was asking for and people failed to realize what I was asking. I in fact never found what I was looking for yet I found an alternative but I have been too busy to actually create the percussion track and then add the guitar tracks. That is besides the point though. BodomiC was simply asking a question and I was replying to HIM and him alone. I didn't need some stupid piece of shit like you that no one likes nor enjoys talking to. I hope you realize that you are a very pestimistic person and those negative thoughts will get you nowhere in life. In fact, when I think about it, you are probably a 13 year old 4-eyed fat ass that loves the cock who lives behind a fucking 7-Eleven selling crack for $20 a pound. I thought that you were gone for good, but I suppose I was wrong. Too bad you don't live near me, then I could show you a thing or two about respect.........

Anyways, back on topic, I hope you found something BodomiC.

NP: Rhapsody - Gargoyles, Angels of Darkness
AAHAHAHAHA, you did just what I expected and indeed predicted what you would do: whine like a baby. I may have to revise my prediction to "whine like a bitch", though.

Anyway, you want to create a percussion track and add your own phat geetar tracks on top of that? DAMMIT, that´s just what the programs I recommended do, dumbass! Well, not only that, you can also add some gnarly bass tracks and other stuff too.
U[Sic]M said:
AAHAHAHAHA, you did just what I expected and indeed predicted what you would do: whine like a baby. I may have to revise my prediction to "whine like a bitch", though.

Anyway, you want to create a percussion track and add your own phat geetar tracks on top of that? DAMMIT, that´s just what the programs I recommended do, dumbass! Well, not only that, you can also add some gnarly bass tracks and other stuff too.
LMAO! I wouldn't consider that 'whining like a bitch' I think of it more like 'stateing a fact'. Anyways, when I posted that as to BodomiC's post, I specifically meant it for him and him alone. I didn't post it because I needed help or what-not because quite simply, it's not an issue to me anymore. I have that resolved reguardless of what your ass told me. Once again, I think you have failed to understand the meaning of my post. So piss off you gay vulture.

NP: Rhapsody - Gargoyles, Angels of Darkness
SSJ4SephirothX said:
LMAO! I wouldn't consider that 'whining like a bitch' I think of it more like 'stateing a fact'. Anyways, when I posted that as to BodomiC's post, I specifically meant it for him and him alone. I didn't post it because I needed help or what-not because quite simply, it's not an issue to me anymore. I have that resolved reguardless of what your ass told me. Once again, I think you have failed to understand the meaning of my post. So piss off you gay vulture.

NP: Rhapsody - Gargoyles, Angels of Darkness

ROFLMFFFFFFFFAOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! "StatEing a fact"?

Stop sidestepping the issue, Sephi, you were whining like yetti. Soon, like yetti, you´ll probably get angry too, of course denying that you are angry, saying stuff like "NOOOOOOOOOOOO, I am not ANGRYYYYYIE, SIKCC(, UR sou foucking vrong!!! I HATE UUUU!!!!!!".
Nah. For one, I don't hate you. I don't have any reason to hate you. I just don't understand why you come off to people as an asshole. Some people are like that I guess. And two, why would I get angry over some stupid computer debate/arguement? Where is the sense in that? There is none. The computer world is real yet it isn't reality so why stress over something so stupid? No point in getting pissed and/or whining just because of one person on some forums. Doing so will only make the other person feel more satisfied and make them want to fuck with the person even more. When in person, it's not wise to do that to someone so it's not something that happens all the time (or at least not to the person's face).

NP: Freedom Call - Farewell