

Went Out for Smokes 13 Years Ago
Jul 19, 2004
south of washington
i've been playing guitar for just over 5 years and i'm just kinda curious, who here plays an instrument? what instrument and for how long?

also, isis' "panopticon" = :worship: (just bought it)
Guitar, for..??., 3 or 4 years I think, not that long ago, but I can't remember it exactly. Also completely self-taught. I play mainly... surprise...metal!
I'm a guitar player I've been playing four 4 years and I'm self taught which is why I'm not very good
Played drums actively for 3-4 years... but then moved twice and never followed up.

Now my energy is focused on the guitar which ive been with a little more than a year and a half. Been taking music instruction through my university for half a year- greatly enjoy it.
Drums...very casually for like 3-4 years. Since I don't have a training regiment, I'm still in the novice category. I don't have the discipline or the desire to practice much, which I find disappointing myself.

Actually I don't have much desire to do anything...I think I need to see a shrink. :zombie:
Drums, very serious for one year. I love playing Opeth and Dream Theater songs, that's pretty much all I play, pretty shallow, but wh4t3v3r.