
Some random musings:

1. Last night I couldn't sleep, I made the mistake I usually do of turning on my television. I came across a show about a woman who was a body builder. She obviously lost her menstrual cycle, sounded like a man, and her face and voice were like those of a man. There were other female body builders. I am all for people being strong and healthy, but this was CRAZY. I don't know, it sort of grosses me out. And scares me....a little.

2. It's amazing how much people can find to laugh about even in the darkest moments and how much laughter saves people. (I'm thinking of my Grandma's wake and funeral, and the long hours I've spent at my Grandpa's this entire past two weeks with the rest of my family being there for him).

3. The rare species known as the MILD (MAN+CHILD), is he 12 or is he 67?

4. How hard it is to decide whether or not to sell a guitar I don't like playing anymore, and that isn't right for me, but that sounds lovely, but I hate playing it! I almost feel GUILTY for not liking it anymore. WHAT THE HELL? haha.

5. I love Frank Zappa. I love Sheik Yerbouti, it was always my favorite, but...Joe's Garage is so awesome. The central scrutinizer? That is...ace.

Ok, I am done with my incredibly...tedious musings!
That first story brought back a repressed memory.
I remember when I was like 15, I went tanning in the gym. So the guy at the desk told me to go to just go to whichever tanning room I want.
So I chose the closest one. I open the door, and there is this naked female body builder, that I used to see all the time and talked to her once in a while, starting to get dressed. It was the freakiest thing I've ever seen. She had the chest of a dude.
SHe didn't care or anything though. She's just like, "hey, what's up. You can get started, I'll be out in a minute".
I could never figure it out. I thought women like their boobs?
i dunno if this whole female body builder thing is the same, but i guess since they alter their bodies and basically defeminize themselves in the pursuit of becoming to athletically fit, it's like a weird case of "gender disassociative disorder" or whatever, where you basically were born the "wrong" gender.

I think maybe it's because, being feminine would involve having some body fat, and some softness. And women typically don't have huge muscles (but we're still strong! HA!) and that their desire to have huge muscles is their focus, and toning their bodies is what makes them feel good about themselves. And maybe they have breast implants after their own get like...melted into muscle for competitions? And stuff? I don't know I personally think the whole business is strange. So are clowns....::shiver::
Also, losing the menstrual cycle and physical indictators that are linked with the ability to procreate I think would have psychophysical effect. Even if we don't want kids, we're pretty much hardwired to our natural instincts. I would think the same reason something like erectile dysfunction or testicular loss would cause a man to doubt his masculinity would hold true for not having menstruation and physiologically male characteristics. We're not defined as people by these things, however we are very much defined as human animals by such things.

And for the record, androgynous people creep me out.
Body builders (not the old school kind) aren't quite as athletically fit and as strong as they look. Many of them have all sorts of health problems, and it's not only from the steroids.
Most of them go into it for the competitive purposes. They also feel euphoric from the tight feeling of when the muscles tense up.
It is also a fetish. The "women" (and I use that term VERY loosely) that don't get any endorsement contracts go into specialty modeling and stuff like that.

I personally find it disgusting. I like women that have curves.
Oh, it's not like I wouldn't speak or interact with them. Just something about extreme androgyny messes with me. It's fascinating even, one of those times when it's hard not to stare.
Although, I do like some muscle tone. Like Lannie Barbie, or Krista Allen. You could tell they exercise and are in great shape, but it's not too much. It's just right and very attractive
i dunno if this whole female body builder thing is the same, but i guess since they alter their bodies and basically defeminize themselves in the pursuit of becoming to athletically fit, it's like a weird case of "gender disassociative disorder" or whatever, where you basically were born the "wrong" gender.


I know people who think they're the wrong species too. Not just furries, but a schizo that thought he was a deer at night. I think the gender disorders are just people with psychological issues that turn to body dysmorphia.