Mustaine again shows the world that he may just be the biggest ass in the world

GregadetH said:
I can get to the forums just fine. The main site is down. So is dave McRobbs site. Since McRobb is the webmaster I'm guessing he has problems. If Dave wanted to shut sumthing down he'd shut down the forums. Not his bands site.

BTW Megadave is Mcrobbs screen name. Megaman is Daves.
i've always called him megadave ever since he reformed.
the band, that is.
GregadetH said:
Last I checked Megadeth was his band. The site exists b/c he pays Dave McRobb to host it and be the head system lord. He can do whatever the fuck he wants. I don't remember the constitution gauranteeing anyone an official messageboard for their favorite bands. I'm a huge Deth fan and it dosen't bother me. Quit yer bitchin'.

You my friend, are a Stepford Fan. One of the sheeple.
This from their webmaster today...

FYI, being down for a short spell had absolutely nothing to with what Dave said in his post yesterday, or by Dave at all.

Was a server/DNS issue. The Megadeth site and my business site used to be on shared hosting before I got a dedicated server for all my sites over a year ago. The old accounts were never actually terminated on the old server. Last night, that old server failed and all accounts were moved off of it to another server. Ended up that and pointed back towards the old server's DNS during this move and because the old server accounts were terminated, this automated "suspended" message appeared.

It was worked out through the night with and my business site is still working it's way back to pointing to the good server; the one all my sites are on. Some of you will see the site come back quicker than others might. It sometimes takes a little while for the DNS to propgate through the web.

Sorry for inconvinience.
LouieFatterson said:
For what it's worth, I enjoyed The System Has Failed very much.

I dont really see why no one likes this album that much. I think its one of their best along with RiP and PSBWB...Some people are wierd. :err:
TD said:
You my friend, are a Stepford Fan. One of the sheeple.

Listen you unorginal son of an anal cuntrag.. I've seen you post that little zinger of a saying at least twice and I'll be goddamned if you're going to call me that you redundant piece of repeating shit.

Sheep? I don't think so. I've been into Megadeth since I was 5.
5 years old motherfucker. That's 22 long goddamn years. I'm anything but a sheep. Fuck Dave. I just enjoy his music. However, it's a simple fact. Megadeth is Daves band. He can do whatever the fuck he wants. It makes no difference to me what he does b/c I know how he's always treated the fans. He can be a whiney bitch all he wants but I'll still listen to the music. Unlike you, who becomes the whiney bitchfuck and falls to the ground kicking and screaming b/c Anthrax might do a reunion tour. That's right, aren't you a "stepford fan"? Turning your back on Thrax b/c of a Joey RUMOUR?

Now, be a good little boy and..
GregadetH said:
Listen you unorginal son of an anal cuntrag.. I've seen you post that little zinger of a saying at least twice and I'll be goddamned if you're going to call me that you redundant piece of repeating shit.

Hey he called me a Stepford fan too... I didn't get in until now. I guess I have other things to do in life than sit and come up with witty sentences that'll help me "insult" people I don't know on the Internet. Bravo.
Anthrax_Mosher said:
What's that all about? People talking shit on the new band members? The system has failed does suck. People say it's like classic Megadeth, but with the exception of the first 3 songs, it fuckin sucks. I liked the world needs a hero better. Hell, cryptic writings was better. Nothing against the musicians themselves, but the new cd sucks.

I agree with you on that completely, Anthrax Mosher.
The only good songs are the first three and I do like TWNAH and Cryptic Writings better.
Anyway, Vinnie Colaiuta kicks megatons of ass.
GregadetH said:
Listen you unorginal son of an anal cuntrag.. I've seen you post that little zinger of a saying at least twice and I'll be goddamned if you're going to call me that you redundant piece of repeating shit.

Sheep? I don't think so. I've been into Megadeth since I was 5.
5 years old motherfucker. That's 22 long goddamn years. I'm anything but a sheep. Fuck Dave. I just enjoy his music. However, it's a simple fact. Megadeth is Daves band. He can do whatever the fuck he wants. It makes no difference to me what he does b/c I know how he's always treated the fans. He can be a whiney bitch all he wants but I'll still listen to the music. Unlike you, who becomes the whiney bitchfuck and falls to the ground kicking and screaming b/c Anthrax might do a reunion tour. That's right, aren't you a "stepford fan"? Turning your back on Thrax b/c of a Joey RUMOUR?

Now, be a good little boy and..

"I've been into Megadeth since I was 5.
5 years old motherfucker. That's 22 long goddamn years"

"That's right, aren't you a "stepford fan"? Turning your back on"

No, that would be the opposite of a Stepford Fan. Obviously the pun alludes you.
You can count, that is a start. Better than most metal heads.

I've got places to go and people to see. I'll mess with you later
BTW Gregadeth. You are completely full of shit. You said you have been listening to Megadeth for 22 years......Megadeth's debut didn't come out until 1985, which is uhm, only 20 years ago. And if you are going to try and tell me that at age 5, you were listening to Mustaine demos and what not, I will know you are officially off your rocker.
TD said:
BTW Gregadeth. You are completely full of shit. You said you have been listening to Megadeth for 22 years......Megadeth's debut didn't come out until 1985, which is uhm, only 20 years ago. And if you are going to try and tell me that at age 5, you were listening to Mustaine demos and what not, I will know you are officially off your rocker.

coop said:
Once again, AM proves his head is shoved squarely up his ass. The guys on tour with Mustaine did not play on the record. God, you are clueless...


Sorry for not knowing that, dickwad ! I may like megadeth, but i dont have them shoved up my ass 24/7 like Greg does.
Anthrax_Mosher said:
The system has failed does suck. People say it's like classic Megadeth, but with the exception of the first 3 songs, it fuckin sucks.
first three songs? what about back in the day? thats classic megadeth...
the scorpion? you cant hear the Megadeth in that song?? anyways... its all opinion based,
and yeh, he didnt pull the website, it 'aparently' fucked up... take it as you wish.
TD said:
BTW Gregadeth. You are completely full of shit. You said you have been listening to Megadeth for 22 years......Megadeth's debut didn't come out until 1985, which is uhm, only 20 years ago. And if you are going to try and tell me that at age 5, you were listening to Mustaine demos and what not, I will know you are officially off your rocker.

I'm so happy that you took my poorly calculated math and turned it against me!
I'm also impressed that you took the time to research when it actually came out so you could "serve' and/or "own" me! My brother gave me KIMB on a big, black recordl when it came out b/c he didn't like it. Now that I think about the actual years it means I was 7. Or maybe 8. You see I don't give a fuck to research the day/month/year that it was given to me. My brother said it was the year it was released and that's all the word I need. I don't know about most of you but I find it hard to remember everything that happened last year - much less close to 20 years ago.

Please, dissect, research and overall dismantle everything I type and don't forget to come back and fling a hella sweet whiticism right back at me!:Smug:

BTW, TD .... "mustaine demos" That's a good one buddy!
I stopped going to the Megadeth board long ago. Who gives a shit who's playing on tour w/ Dave, because last I checked (which was at the concert I saw beginning of December) they played old school Megadeth, and the songs sounded the same as back when I saw Megadeth at Rockfest with Ellefson, Friedman and DeGrasso, and the same when I saw them on the Maximum rock tour with Ellefson, DeGrasso and forgot the guy who replaced Friedman. I missed Ellefson's getting the crowd going ala Bello and Newstead but they were still Megadeth songs. Peace Sells still kicked ass, Sweating Bullets was a good sing a long, and 2 hours later, my ears still hurt after the concert, but was well worth the price.

As for if Mustaine records another album, hell, this is all bonus to me after Countdown and RIP came out. Those 2 right there were good enough for me to catch Megadeth every chance I get.
Riehlthing said:
I stopped going to the Megadeth board long ago. Who gives a shit who's playing on tour w/ Dave, because last I checked (which was at the concert I saw beginning of December) they played old school Megadeth, and the songs sounded the same as back when I saw Megadeth at Rockfest with Ellefson, Friedman and DeGrasso, and the same when I saw them on the Maximum rock tour with Ellefson, DeGrasso and forgot the guy who replaced Friedman. I missed Ellefson's getting the crowd going ala Bello and Newstead but they were still Megadeth songs. Peace Sells still kicked ass, Sweating Bullets was a good sing a long, and 2 hours later, my ears still hurt after the concert, but was well worth the price.

As for if Mustaine records another album, hell, this is all bonus to me after Countdown and RIP came out. Those 2 right there were good enough for me to catch Megadeth every chance I get.

This guy whose name you forgot is Al Pitrelli, damn good guitar motherfucker!