Mustaine again shows the world that he may just be the biggest ass in the world


:err: Fuck this ragged out Hetfield wannabe recovering heroin junkie. This was taken from his message board.


Just for clarification . . .this is my site. You are offending my boys. Now you tell me you don't agree with me defending my guys?

Bye-bye! There will be plenty of vacation time for you to think about it.

And while your at it, get in a band and once you've have accomplished what these guys have and then have people talk garbage about you, then, and only then will I consider your opinion.

This place is one of the best places in all of cyberspace. You know why? Because we are fair, we treat people right, we tolerate a miraid of BS.

I am fed up with this and it is over. You don't like it? Go someplace else. And you will go someplace else because you will be banned immediately if you have a problem with how I feel about the incessant insults from pukes who don't know these guys, who have never seen them live, and ARE TOO FRIGGING STUPID TO KNOW THAT I WAS HERE TO SEE WHAT THESE OTHER GUYS DID AND YOU WERE NOT!

No one is without guilt and you of all people should know that I copped to making mistakes over the years, but I will not put up with this crap.

End of story. I can just shut the whole site down, I don't give a shit! "

I guess you can't even "debate" classic albums and past members on "Super" Dave's site. And you ask me why I refuse to buy his albums and go see Megadeth any more. What a dick.
What's that all about? People talking shit on the new band members? The system has failed does suck. People say it's like classic Megadeth, but with the exception of the first 3 songs, it fuckin sucks. I liked the world needs a hero better. Hell, cryptic writings was better. Nothing against the musicians themselves, but the new cd sucks.
i think the worlds need a hero is pretty underrated. It wasn;t well recieved by fans, but its pretty damn good. its closer to classic megadeth than the system has failed.
Once again, AM proves his head is shoved squarely up his ass. The guys on tour with Mustaine did not play on the record. God, you are clueless...

Anthrax_Mosher said:
What's that all about? People talking shit on the new band members? The system has failed does suck. People say it's like classic Megadeth, but with the exception of the first 3 songs, it fuckin sucks. I liked the world needs a hero better. Hell, cryptic writings was better. Nothing against the musicians themselves, but the new cd sucks.

Well, I dont think it totally sucks but it's got a lot of problems that prevent it from being a quality album.

Now it appears that the entire site, forums and all, are down. If hes going to be like that then whatever, let him. It's his album and ticket sales that will go down like a narc at a biker rally. Typical Dave though, punish everyone for a few people making threads that he doesn’t like.
shit it was/is his fucking site, so he shouldnt have to put up with people talking shit about his band... as for canning the whole forum (which he has done) and even canning the official band webpage, well... I dunno what thats all about... but this isnt a megadeth forum so you can say what you want... I feel he isnt an 'ass' but thats me.
Why didn´t Dave just let the moderators ban the ones who said things about the new members? I know he has an attitude-"problem" but closing the whole thing down seems a bit Dramaqueen-esque. Milano likes to ban people for saying things on the forum but this is really over-doing it.

Fine, it´s Mustaines site and he can do it if he thinks it will help. I´m glad Mr. Wu lets us talk about the songs and members of Anthrax.
Arg_Hamster said:
Why didn´t Dave just let the moderators ban the ones who said things about the new members? I know he has an attitude-"problem" but closing the whole thing down seems a bit Dramaqueen-esque. Milano likes to ban people for saying things on the forum but this is really over-doing it.

Fine, it´s Mustaines site and he can do it if he thinks it will help. I´m glad Mr. Wu lets us talk about the songs and members of Anthrax.
I agree. personally, i stayed out of the threads dave was referring to, but I am sure that when he feels the fan backlash, the site will magically reappear.
Btw first post here, hello everyone. :wave:
So the whole site is down? I just came home and it said my account has been suspended and I said to myself: "Did I get banned for saying shit like "Chuck Billy is the best metal singer ever" or "I think Marty Friedman is better much better than Glen Drover"?" Hope not. I've never bitched about the new line-up...though I was very, very disappointed when Nick Menza was thrown out.
shit it was/is his fucking site, so he shouldnt have to put up with people talking shit about his band... as for canning the whole forum (which he has done) and even canning the official band webpage, well... I dunno what thats all about... but this isnt a megadeth forum so you can say what you want... I feel he isnt an 'ass' but thats me.
true that he shouldn't have to put up with insults. but constructive criticism is something else. i'm not sure exactly what was said but i bet alot of it waS brainless insults and alot of it was thoughtful criticism. megadeth will never be what it once was and alot of the fans know that and that's what they're talking about.
he's just pissed his new album didn't go over so well.
edited to say: ever since i watched the dvd with the VH1BHTM
on it i haven't liked him as a person. If he doesn't talk i'm ok with him. and then on the HBB tribute to Dimebag he ruined the show for me. I was going record it and put it on a dvd but dave fucked it all up. it went from the dimebag show to "lets see how much i can relate all this to myself" show.
Last I checked Megadeth was his band. The site exists b/c he pays Dave McRobb to host it and be the head system lord. He can do whatever the fuck he wants. I don't remember the constitution gauranteeing anyone an official messageboard for their favorite bands. I'm a huge Deth fan and it dosen't bother me. Quit yer bitchin'.
I can get to the forums just fine. The main site is down. So is dave McRobbs site. Since McRobb is the webmaster I'm guessing he has problems. If Dave wanted to shut sumthing down he'd shut down the forums. Not his bands site.

BTW Megadave is Mcrobbs screen name. Megaman is Daves.

I'm glad I only go to the Total Anarchy section of those forums. I just got done seeing everyone and their mother start their own "UR RIGHT DAVE!" thread hoping to convince Dave they weren't one of those naughty people who had the gall to discuss current and former band members. These are the same people who use the term "Metalli-sheep"?

For what it's worth, I enjoyed The System Has Failed very much.