Mustaine and Politics

I'm not going to see Megadeth tonight because of what he said in this article.

Actually it's because I don't feel like leaving my domain even to get cigarettes so an all night concert is out of the question. Maybe the show this Friday...
hehe they should put Dave and Phil Ansolmo together in an interview and watch them bury eachother.

I also like how he's telling everyone that celebrities that they should shut the fuck up and then goes right into a rant on why not to vote Kerry:loco:
Mustaine is the biggest egomanical idiot in the history of metal. The guy is a fucking drama queen; if its no his stupidity getting attention, its his drug use, his slander of other and former band mates, his born again christianity. Jesus. I love your music, but you are a fucking piece of shit human being.

Dave thinks he's an economist all the sudden. Whats this shit about small business getting a break under bush? He has no fucking clue. Anyone dumb enough to file as a sole proprietorship deserves to pay higher taxes than a corporation. If your running a business, for liability reasons alone, its downright dumb not to at least become a partnership. Its not very expensive to become a business, either. Hundreds of thousands of Corporations have less than 100,000 in assets, and they pay much lower taxes than one would if filing as a sole propreitorship, not to mention the fact that no one can take everything you own if you are sued.
J. said:
"But the fact that people would vote based on who a celebrity endorses is just stupid. Don't vote for Bush because I'm voting for him. Don't vote for Kerry because you hate me."
Finally, someone gets it. I find it so annoying, and so incredibly funny, when someone like Sean Penn, Cameron Diaz, Susan Sarandon or Tim Robbins thinks their opinion has value. It only goes to show how caught up they really are in their own little worlds.

Yeah, it certaintly helps his pocketbook. Mustaine strikes me as a Pete Rose type figure- he'd sell the shoes on his feet if he could make money off them.
yes thats why I made that comment. Its a shame that such a musical talent has talent in nothing else other than loving himself. Perhaps genius in just music ( or any other field) is a curse upon its host.
I'll make it my goal to make Dave Mustaine punch me in the face when I see Megadeth in November. I'll particularly enjoy soliciting comments like "SEIG HEIL DER FÜRHER GEORGE W. BUSSSSHHHHHH!!!" if he's re-elected... or "ALL HAIL PRESIDENT KERRY!!!!" if he's elected.

I'll probably try to wear some really religiously or politically offensive shirt too. hehehe
I saw him in '90 and he dedicated "Take No Prisoners" to Bush Snr and the first Gulf War. Then a couple years later, he's denouncing that president with "Foreclosure of a Dream" and supporting the farmers. And now the US is at war again, he's supporting Dubya.

He thinks like this: the USA is fucked up and I will complain about all the domestic issues and scream for presidential change, but when the USA is at war, I will stand by my country no matter what (for fear of looking unpatriotic).

(Note how all his songs of war seem quite militant and gung-ho, whereas his other political views are all pretty detrimental).

All these musicians are annoying in their 'flip flopping'. I mean, come on Hetfield, are we going with "Disposable Heroes" or shall we buy into "Don't Tread on Me"?
Times like these we need to look to the Sultan of Solid Political views, Andrew WK:

We want pie, want pie, want fun YEAH!
What do we want? What do we want?
We want fun, want pie, want fun YEAH!
What do we want? What do we want?
We want fun, want pie, want pie YEAH!
What do we want? We know what we want!
We want pie, want pie, want pie!
We want to have fun, and we want to get wasted!

Never falter, brother.