Mustaine's riffage or Metallica's?

Who is the better riff-writer?

  • Dave Mustaine

    Votes: 31 50.8%
  • Kirk Hammett/James Hetfield

    Votes: 30 49.2%

  • Total voters

How cute......Fucking Fag!

Metallica Slays \m/
Crimson Velvet said:
Mustaine wrote some of The Call of Ktulu, and that was mostly lead guitar parts. This thread is about riffs. And the stuff from Kill 'em All have easily the most simple and uninteresting riffs, compared to all other Metallica albums.

And you save your insults. I'm merely uttering my opinions, just like you.
I don't know how much of The Call of Ktulu Mustaine wrote or where you would find out the truth. I'm probably guessing, considering your self admitted Metallica prejudice, that it was an unreliable source.

Whether the majority of Kill Em' All's riffs were shit or basic in your opinion merely weakens your argument for Metallica, considering most of it was written by them.

As for insults, I'm merely 'muttering' my opinion of what you had posted. If you can't handle that, I suggest you don't bother posting.
misfit said:
I don't know how much of The Call of Ktulu Mustaine wrote or where you would find out the truth. I'm probably guessing, considering your self admitted Metallica prejudice, that it was an unreliable source.

Whether the majority of Kill Em' All's riffs were shit or basic in your opinion merely weakens your argument for Metallica, considering most of it was written by them.

As for insults, I'm merely 'muttering' my opinion of what you had posted. If you can't handle that, I suggest you don't bother posting.

Actually, I heard the part about The Call of Ktulu when I downloaded a interview with Lars from '85. I'm guessing that he is as a reliable source as any.

And I never said that the riffs from Kill 'em All were shit. That's your words, not mine. I said they were simple and uninteresting, which is a statement I stand by. And that was one album, out of eight, nine if you count the orchestra stuff. I don't think that weakens my arguement in any way, it merely points out my preference. And I don't think the riffs on any of the other albums is uninteresting, with the exception of a few songs on The Black Album, Load and St. Anger. But that's so few that it's not really worth the mention.

And if you have to resort to insults to get your opinions across, I suggest that you buy a dictonary. There's plenty of ways of expressing yourself without sinking that low. Come to think of it, I think the same goes for plenty of the posters on these boards. :grin:
I agree that the Kill 'Em All riffs aren't that interesting. I'd also contend that that album really isn't in the same league as the next three. Metallica had the catchier solos always, but Megadeth had thrashier, faster riffs. Rust in Peace has the best of Mustaine's work.

And how could anyone not love Mustaine's voice? He has to be one of my favorite singers ever.
I prefer Mustaine over Hetfield ANY day..I like how dave uses more interesting rhythms, dyamics, time shifts, etc.

Not taking away from Hetfield though-like em or not, Metallica did kick some major ass on RTL through Justice. In comparison, Kill em all is primative, but it was their first album, and it lead to greater things. On the same token, Deth's first disc, although asskicking, is very weak compared to the next few Deth albums.
I'm not so sure about Mustaine's voice, particualrly live it's so nasal and indistinct. He really nails them on some of the studio recordings though, and they fit the music really well.
AllWithinMyMonster said:
You are fatter than fat! Do you ever think you'll get a girlfriend other than putting barbie clothes on a hot dog? You fucking fat sack of shit hit the local 24 hour fitness and do some squats you heffer! Nothing makes me sicker in this world than the obese! How can you live such a piss poor God forsaken existence? And you seem to relish (no pun intended) in your rotundness. First your signature pic is that of you holding up what appears to be orange chicken, now we see a white castle hamburger shoved down your gullet! You'de out eat a pelican! I wish you a stroke after your next sundae. Now get off my board you ton of fun the bosco's calling!

At the risk of being verbally assaulted again...that was some funny shit...
I would say Metallica for MoP and AJFA, but Megadeth's "Peace Sells..." simply cannot be touched. So I vote for Mustaine.

"Devil's Island! Devil's Island! Here I am!"
Mustaine is way greater than Metallica ever will be. Wait till September,and I bet the new 'Deth record won't fuckin' sound like a NFG garage recorded demo.
High On Maiden said:
I've been having an argument, who writes better riffs Dave Mustaine or Metallica (ie. Kirk and James I presume).

And yes, I know Mustaine wrote some Metallica stuff of course.

Who writes better riffs?

Metallica is totally better. Like the solo in 4 horsemen on thekill em all album. MUSTAINE COULDNT DO THAT! :hypno: :hypno:
also the solos on the black album are so lyrical, they are a beautiful tune that are very pleasing to the ear. mustain has alot of good ones but not as much as metallica