Mustis and Vortex have left Dimmu Borgir

I loved In Sorte Diaboli personally, so I'm semi-bummed about this, but hey, maybe they'll pick up two guys that are even better! One thing I'm wondering, though; someone above mentioned that Galder has very little input; he's a talented fucking dude, I love Old Man's Child's music, so I'm surprised he'd be content to pretty much perpetually play second fiddle! (especially in the writing process)
Oh yeah, Puritanical etc. etc. fucking rules, I don't think too many were disputing that :D I really wasn't a fan of Death Cult though, most of the songs just really didn't grab me like the ones on the albums that sandwiched it chronologically (so to speak :lol: )
Vortex released a statement:

"I've really enjoyed the ride; the DIMMU years have been awesome. I look forward to concentrating fully on my own project now, and the opening possibility to resurrect a band or three.

"A special thanks to all the crazy and lovely people I have met on the road with DIMMU over the years, for the support from so many of you, and for the continuing interest in my musical projects. I will always treasure the albums and the brotherhood as it was before the cabin-fever music industry and greed went METALLICA on our asses.

"My support goes to Mustis [former DIMMU BORGIR keyboardist; real name: Øyvind Mustaparta], the true creative force in DIMMU for the last ten years, and his rightful legal chase."

Simen will meet his LAMENTED SOULS bandmates in mid-September to plan a new release and a few gigs in Norway. He is also planning to get together with the rest of ARCTURUS to discuss the group's future and a possible reunion.

Arrgghh, that statement definitely illustrates the importance of commas - while I'm of course 99% certain he meant "the cabin fever, music industry and...", it threw me off at first read (that damn cabin-fever music industry :lol: )
Vortex, Mustis, and nick barker should form their own band. I'd pay to see that.

Best idea of the thread so far! :rock:

Dimmu Borgir has always been run primarily by Shagrath and Silenoz, and I think they will come up with something cool for the next era of the band. It will likely be a totally new sound, and I'm fine with that as long as it's good. I'm guessing they will go a in a more brutal, less melodic direction, but we'll see.

I've enjoyed every period of Dimmu Borgir so far, although Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia was definitely the highlight for me, in particular because of Vortex and Mustis, "Kings of Carnival Creation," etc.
Vortex, Mustis, and nick barker should form their own band. I'd pay to see that.

Fuckin scratch my previous thought. I find it quite peculiar that Dimmu took a huge sound change the instant they acquired Galder, Dimmu after that point began to have many similarities to OMC. I have seen and heard that Glader did have quite a role in writing during PEM.

so I look at it like this:

Nick Barker
Had such an ornate style, he added shit hear and there, he eclectic kick rhythms and use of tasteful but large fills, little patterns of the crashes and splashes and his non metal styles that he also was known for throwing int here as well is what just the songs memorable

You don't see too many bands that utilize a full orchestra, let alone a guy who writes the instrumentation for all the instruments of an orchestra. His style was always tranquil and dark, gloomy melancholy. The way his parts were in solo along Nick with Cortex singing over some funk like base line just showed the creativity of what the could provide, and I am pretty sure it was Mustis's idea for parts like that, as Vortex stated he (Mustis) was the true creative force in Dimmu.

Had a wicked scene of how the bass lines should go, he did his own thing and his vocals are what always took a break from the main part of the music and took it down to a place where it was a completely different band, and as he sang Mustis's parts always helped the emotion of Vortex. Overall those were always the most memorable parts of Dimmu since they were so three dimensional and vivid, the music took you somewhere.

With that in mind and how much dimmu changed in sound once tehy had acquired Galder. Galder should quit Dimmu, focus on OMC and help start a new band with Mustis Vortex and Nick.

As far as I am concerned those 4 wrote Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia and Deathcult Armageddon. It would be nice to see those creative forces who wrote such an album to be the opnes in charge in their own band writing that kind of music that made them so well liked during their stay with Dimmu.

check out 0:53 (Mustis, Barker) 1:49 (Barker) 2:30 (Mustis) 2:50 (Musti, Barker Vortex(vox and bass)

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Yeah I've always thought Galder should concentrate more on OMC, and making a band with vortex and Mustis would be great, with vortex as main singer, he can shriek pretty good too.

now.... REUNITING ARCTURUS???? THAT'S what I call good news!! Fuck I love that band, Shipwrecked in Oslo has to be my favorite live DVD ever, the songs are so much better live than on record (which are already mindblowing), and vortex's singing on the older songs is just majestic, Raud Os Vart always brings a fucking tear to my eyes, the original recording never did that much to me

Edit:Raudt og Svart, Raud os vart, whatfuckingever lol
Its kind of amusing that a fan backlash has broken out on the myspace blog announcing the departure. About a good 90% of everyone posted something along the lines of, "I have lost all respect for you as a band" "you guys are done" "I will never buy any of your new albums". And the most used phrase, "you have lost the two greatest members", I wonder what ol' shaggy and Silo think about all their fans saying that?
It's pretty trendy to hate on Dimmu but they fucking rule, and I'm talking only recent material only personally, PEM to ISD. Very lame move that these dudes are out, Mustis' orchestrations made this band for me.

yeah the era which the ignorant trve black metal kids claim Dimmu wnet to shit is the only era I can really stomach, their old music sounded way to much black metal (every time I hear black metal I see, shallow minded negative attitude satanists, church burners, murderers, thieves low life scum and their fanboys that want to be just as Kvlt as them) and the creative force of Mustis brought Dimmu to how it sounded today (what the "trve" fans called selling out). They didn't sell out, they acquired new members that helped craft a new sound, a sound that made them as big and loved as they are today, and they removed two of the biggest members that contributed to that sound over an ego and jealousy.