My #2 direct-out recording with HD147


Oct 31, 2005
ok...i did another recording....(don't mind my bad drum and guitar technique) using this chain:

Drums--Behringer Multicom--Dmp3 preamp--Delta1010LT

Rogue Bass Guitar (direct)--dmp3--Delta1010LT

Guitar (Ibanez mmm1)--Line6 Hd147 (Dual Rec. & v30 cab models)--Delta1010LT--double tracked

recorded @ 48k 32bit in Audition 1.5 -- T-racks Master
ok, ignoring the playing issues, I like it in general... love the kick sound... present, but still has low end punch, not too "typewriterish" :grin: ... I'd like to hear the snare better... maybe some presence or just volume... and the guitars sound a bit muffled...
Wow! I liked the kick sound a lot. I agree about the snare needing a little more crack but it definitely doesn't sound bad. Guitars sounded a little dead to me...

edit: oh, I see- it's probably just cuz it's direct.
That's true- the 5150 model on xt sounds fairly biting from what I've heard. Maybe just the tone needs work- more upper mids to brighten things up.