My 53 year old dad is going to go see Opeth with me.

shivering corpse

Ty Cobbb
Sep 20, 2002
I bought a ticket for the upcoming Opeth American tour, and then my dad said he'd like to go with me, because he knows I'm basically obsessed with them. He's never heard much of them, but I think he's just kind of intrigued by them. He said he thinks it will be neat to watch my favorite band live with me.
It's going to be so weird, but maybe he'll come away an Opeth fanatic.
That's so damn cool that your dad is going with you to see Opeth..I think your dad my dig Opeth, at least the mellower material..Opeth are not gimmicky so he may be able to relate..Have fun..It will a concert you can cherish with your family..-l-
That's pretty interesting, but then again I don't think it would be too much for him to handle because this is the Damnation tour, but the opening band might scare him, I guess you never know he could become a metal head.

This does remind me of my father, who told me he would have gone to Cannibal Corpse with my brother and I if he could have. My father listens to a fair amount of classic metal type stuff, and has heard a lot of my extreme metal. It wouldn't have been something that new to him. He says that he likes it, but you never know my father is almost too nice to say he hates my music. He even fell alseep to Nattens Madrigal from Ulver, now that is an accomplishment.
this is really cool dude, and if it all goes well you'll remember it for a long time, you and your dad just chilling listening to opeth, if he doesnt like it, it still doesn't sound like he'd give you a hard time for it... since he's willing to go
Schraiber said:
My 55 year old dad has seen In Flames, Nile, and Opeth with me. I win.

Damn man, you do win there.
yeah i've tried to desribe opeth to my dad, and he's heard a little bit of it
i say it's a mixture of metal/death metal with The Moody Blues thrown in, because he's a huge Moody Blues fan.
It's not really accurate, but it's the best way I can describe it to someone who hasn't really listened to them.
Shadowthrone said:
That's pretty interesting, but then again I don't think it would be too much for him to handle because this is the Damnation tour
Actually dude, this is the second leg of the DELIVERANCE tour...the Damnation gigs are coming this fall.

Yeah, my mom actually wanted to go with me...but more our of curiosity, till she heard me play Wreath on my stereo at an obscene volume...she changed her mind by then :/

Anyway, It's really cool that you'll be able to share this awesome experience with your dad, it'll most likely bring you closer together.

Good for you man !:rock:
Azogue said:
Actually dude, this is the second leg of the DELIVERANCE tour...the Damnation gigs are coming this fall.

I have heard both sides of this argument, but everything pointing to this being a Deliverance tour has only been told to me from people on this board. From what I have read in interviews with Opeth, a slightly more reliable source, it seemed pretty clear that this would be a Damnation tour. I guess I could always be wrong, but I haven't even heard of this tour in the fall being officially announced. Everything still seems to be pointing towards this being a Damnation tour for me. I guess we will have to see.
Thats cool man. Hope he enjoys it. A couple weeks ago at the Deicide show, there was a older gentleman sitting at the bar dressed in slacks and a plaid golf shirt. I assume he probably was there with his kid, it was funny though seeing him sit and listen to Behemoth. :lol: