To what extent.........

Jayde. I can understand how you felt, you lent the guy a treasured possession and you wanted to get it back really bad so you had a temperary lapse in your better judgement.

I dare anyone to say that they've never done something stupid before. We are all human, and humans do stupid things in their life times, so no, I certainly don't think you're insane. Simply from reading your posts in this thread I can tell you're quite sane indeed.

Anyway, I learned the hard way to be extremely selective of who I lend things to, especially my CDs. Only a select few people have earned enough of my trust that I'd lend them a CD.
Originally posted by The_Wanderer

Comandment #2: Hunt down those who will not return your most precious possessions. Use excessive force as needed. :hotjump:
now that you brought up this subject.. i'm rather curious to know where does this come from (i mean self-injury).
i remembered that when i was about 2-3 years old i started hitting my head against the wall *really* hard until i turned 12 or so.. can a 2 year old know what s(he)'s doing? :confused:
Originally posted by astarte
now that you brought up this subject.. i'm rather curious to know where does this come from (i mean self-injury).
i remembered that when i was about 2-3 years old i started hitting my head against the wall *really* hard until i turned 12 or so.. can a 2 year old know what s(he)'s doing? :confused:
when i was about 2 or 3 i used to hit my head hard against a wall too! but i used to do it to try and stop the thoughts that were running through my head, i just wanted the voice in my head to be silent for a while, but it wouldnt so i used to bang my head against the wall! :D
Originally posted by Jayde

Oh, my yes. I'm starved for attention. Maybe you didn't notice, but that post was by Wolff. Not me. So who are you to tell me that I'm starved for attention?:rolleyes:
Does a post named "Here are my boobs" ring a bell? I just found that absurdly pathetic. And Misanthrope is right, even if I am right it won't help.
Originally posted by Useful Idiot

Does a post named "Here are my boobs" ring a bell? I just found that absurdly pathetic. And Misanthrope is right, even if I am right it won't help.

What the hell is up with all this uptight shit.....i don't know about you but i don't mind boobs...Don't listen to unuseful idiot whatever the fuck you want....i am usually the nice guy but i am in a weird mood