My DC Prog Nation Show Experience...

The Leper

Apostles Triumph
Jul 26, 2004
So around 3 months ago when i bought tickets for this venue/show, My friend's dad mentioned that he is IMP Productions Banking President, and is also a co-owner of IMP Productions, (IMP productions put on this tour and MANY MANY MANY other tours.) So i asked him if there was any way possible he could per chance get me to meet opeth really quick for a signature or something. He said he could do it, and that was the last I heard about that deal.

So tonight i go to the concert not really expecting anything special at all, but my friend calls me and says that Opeth's Tour Manager said that me and a bunch of my friends could get backstage and see opeth for a second. So we were like, wow that's incredible, i love life.
So right before the show starts, my friends dad finds the tour manager and this guy josh ( For those of you who live in the DC area and have been to the 930 club, Josh is the HUGE security guard with the humongous gaged earlobes that looks like he could rip someone in half) and they told us to come back right after Opeth finishes and we might be able to meet them for a second.

So opeth plays and they are amazing, and they finish so me and my brother and like 6 of our friends head to where the tour manager told us to meet and waited for a little. Josh comes out and says it'll be another 15 minutes. So we wait and we're kinda skeptical, but FINALLY Josh comes out and says yeah come on in. So we head into the curtained off area, and there is standing 5 of the most amazing people on this planet. Michael, Frederik, Axe, Per, Mendez. Standing right in front of me.

So for the next half an hour, me and my insignificant friends chilled with opeth. easily the most amazing experience of my lifetime. They are the NICEST people ever. Especially axenrot, the guy kept trying to give me wheat thins, whenever i would tell him he's a god, he'd be like "thanks, have some crackers!"


THree was amazing
BTBAM was sweet
Opeth slayed.
Dream Theater raped me in the ass.

Axenrot for president.

So i want to thank Everyone in opeth for taking a half hour out of your tiring touring night to talk to me and my 5 friends, honestly we know you guys were INCREDIBLY tired, after coming out only 15 minutes after playing, we owe you big time....

"I know some of you don't like death metal growls, but I've made a living off them. So...fuck you."

:worship: that was awesome.

why did he say stfu this time? just for a laugh or was everyone requesting black rose immortal? lol, they could've played it till dt actually played xD