My 666th post

Wolfman Von Jones

The trouble with you
Dec 6, 2001
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Well its that time, so yeah hail satan and eat some cheese, its my 666th post and im sharing it with anyone who cares, but thats no one so anyway, yeah.:devil: :devil: :devil: :Smokedev: :Smokedev: :devil: :devil:

Oh thats evil.
I give you the same advice as I did Requiem, change your name, it's a perfect time :D

That or only answer threads with mass PM's :lol:
Yay!! Way to go Nick!!! :) :devil:

Originally posted by Salamurhaaja

That or only answer threads with mass PM's :lol:

Hey... that would be a great thing to do on another board I go to. :devil: No one's ever tried that. It would be especially pointless when my only reply is
Trippy. *meep*
Congrats Nick :)

@mousewings: Hey, if you mass pmed everyone on that board every time you wanted to post, saying "Trippy. *meep*", i'm sure you would drive everyone crazy :lol: and then everyone would hate you there, but oh well... :rolleyes: