

Mine is the grandeur...
Oct 17, 2001
London, what a shithole
hails all! so this is dt's new forum ... good to see no more of those fukkin pop-ups anymore -but my username was too long!!! :eek:

so now i am GrandMelancholy, instead of GrandeurOfMelancholy!! :loco:

oh well - anyway hiya everyone from havenisms
(and get ready for overuse of emo-cons) :devil:
welcome back to live. some are still missing, but villain is here, atlantis is here, cryptosporidium is also back... we need a meeting point or something.........jdbvcipqsdbnMSDJCNblablurgh
good night :err:
Yep, as well as Phyre and Misanthrope and even Defeat Scythe.

Terria, sorry, but who are you? Mehothra? I get so confused with all these new nicknames. :confused:

yep, i'm mehothra ( or HAVE i BEEN mehothra? how very philosophical...). anyone i haven't mentioned before, like phyre (seriously sorry about that one:) ) wasn't meant to be ignored but was hidden beneath the very veil of oblivion and neglect that lay on my mind last time it spoke to you:loco:
I'm sorry:hotjump:.

No, really, i needed some :zzz: then...
Now I finally recognize you!
Hi Mehothra/Terria and hi GrandeurOfMelancholy...but ...

how about Hithead, Metal in the night, Everlost, BulletBeast....HeBeHu...or they are here and I failed to find them out??

A special game, guess who's who...:rolleyes:

Originally posted by DefeatScythe
Thankx Ville , that you remember me!

Well, I'm not THAT demented yet that I wouldn't remember you. ;)

Hello to Fury as well!

It's nice to have you all back.

And I'm pretty sure Heikki Belsebub Huurinainen (HeBeHu) will find his way here sooner or later. :devil:

hiya - villain, phrye, of fury and tranquillity (hah! name to long here too!), mehothra, defeat scythe, and everyone else!!
good to see everyone here!

useless post but i gettin addicted to these effing emocons -:headbang: :tickled:

..."it was solid yet ever changing..."