my attempt at the CLA sound (paramore cover).

thanks for sharing ! playing around with this stuff. its funny i started cloning paramores careful a few days ago ;-)

i compared your mix to clas work, first thing i noticed was the snare sound. clas snare is very "bottomy" and thcik. listen very close to the ghost notes.
your mix has way more high end, youmight wanna try using uad pultec eqs to get the clarity that clas mix has, but without the fatiguing high end.

also the guitars sound cool as they are! but cla's mix seems wider and less "middy". i dont think the plexi is the best choice, id try the mesa with a marshall

im gonna post my results, its cool we can share some ideas on the mixes!
again : only wanna help to improve your mix to sound more like clas.

but to make one thing clear - yours sounds excellent on its own! different than the original, but very good!
congrats on that!
It definitely sounds very good. The rhythm guitars aren't jangly enough for my tastes.

Toms need more punch.

Agreed that the snare has got the wrong kind of crack/punch for this particular song. Ordner (2)/Paramore Mix 6.mp3

heres my quick try. really happy with how it turned out. but the cla mix seems more middy to my ears.
i actually like the clarity of my mix more haha.

i used ssl saturation from the 112db red preamp emulation. love this thing! gives a really warm sound.
had this on almost every instrument.

also tried to emulate clas chain. masterbus :

PULTEC (adding highs and lows), FG - X for limiting/mastering/glue
LA3As on guitars, 1176 on drums.. all the good stuff. (but of course my uad emulations)

i think the combination of hardware outboard gear, his ssl and also the sent tracks cant be emulated. i think
our mixes would work for the average listener. ;-)

also my mix needs automation! you canlearn alot from cla when you mix this song.
especially the room sounds on the drumkit ! i need to do that, dont have time atm. but that would get our mixes even closer to clas.

also guitars are a huge problem. greg - if you have the time would you be up for reamping that stuff ? ;-)
podfarm just doesnt cut it. and i dont have my axe here atm...
Quite curious what PODfarm settings you actually used for guitars on this, actually, as it'd be perfect for raw's when tracking my bands LP in a couple weeks and I have zero experience dialing in these kinds of tones on the POD. Ordner (2)/Paramore Mix 6.mp3

heres my quick try. really happy with how it turned out. but the cla mix seems more middy to my ears.
i actually like the clarity of my mix more haha.

i used ssl saturation from the 112db red preamp emulation. love this thing! gives a really warm sound.
had this on almost every instrument.

also tried to emulate clas chain. masterbus :

PULTEC (adding highs and lows), FG - X for limiting/mastering/glue
LA3As on guitars, 1176 on drums.. all the good stuff. (but of course my uad emulations)

i think the combination of hardware outboard gear, his ssl and also the sent tracks cant be emulated. i think
our mixes would work for the average listener. ;-)

also my mix needs automation! you canlearn alot from cla when you mix this song.
especially the room sounds on the drumkit ! i need to do that, dont have time atm. but that would get our mixes even closer to clas.

also guitars are a huge problem. greg - if you have the time would you be up for reamping that stuff ? ;-)
podfarm just doesnt cut it. and i dont have my axe here atm...

sounds sweet man! what did you reamp the bass with? i love it.
Here is my attempt, did this with my kinda shitty monitors, but i think it turned out ok. The drums need LOTS of work. Oh and i didnt pan the guitars right, but its just a work in progress :) tell me what you guys think! 19 paramore mix.mp3

btw, i used TSE and 8505 on the main rhythm tracks and Lextac on leads. Awesome job on the DI's, thanks for the up! Ordner (2)/Paramore Mix 6.mp3

heres my quick try. really happy with how it turned out. but the cla mix seems more middy to my ears.
i actually like the clarity of my mix more haha.

i used ssl saturation from the 112db red preamp emulation. love this thing! gives a really warm sound.
had this on almost every instrument.

also tried to emulate clas chain. masterbus :

PULTEC (adding highs and lows), FG - X for limiting/mastering/glue
LA3As on guitars, 1176 on drums.. all the good stuff. (but of course my uad emulations)

i think the combination of hardware outboard gear, his ssl and also the sent tracks cant be emulated. i think
our mixes would work for the average listener. ;-)

also my mix needs automation! you canlearn alot from cla when you mix this song.
especially the room sounds on the drumkit ! i need to do that, dont have time atm. but that would get our mixes even closer to clas.

also guitars are a huge problem. greg - if you have the time would you be up for reamping that stuff ? ;-)
podfarm just doesnt cut it. and i dont have my axe here atm...

Mate, you fucking nailed the guitar sound, what did you use for it? Bass is fine aswell, I'd shave off a bit of sublows from it and add more crunch to the top end, drums I dont really like them, dont really seem to fit, except for the overheads which sound nice. But man, I love those guitars, grats on those!
What you guys may be missing is the lead vocal relationship with the mix. CLA's mixing is ALL about the lead vocal, so just comparing instruments isn't getting the whole picture. I feel much of the time that he seems to compromise the quality of the overall sound just for more upfront/lush vocals. It's a sort of love/hate thing I have with his mixing style. As much as I dig his vocals, I don't ever really like the way he mixes anything else.
guys, thanks! on bass it was podfarm. 2 instances. 1 is podfarm studio tone (standard settings) 2. is rock classic with a tubescreamer in front to get a little more aggressiveness into the sound.

sptz : thanks! all podfarm! i dont like my kick sound that much. but the snare is pretty cool for my likings.
guitars : PODFARM - DIAMOND PLATE MODEL, GAIN 30%, BS 80%, MID 60% TREB 35% PRES 30%
into redwirez impulse - ubercab v30 r121 cone 6 inch + ubercab v30 cone 6 inch sm57
into 112 db red preamp ssl emulation.

eq : -5 db @ 400hz , +5 @ 3.5 khz . then i appliead a curve eq snapshot i did from the song. ignored high and lowend just focused on upper mids,
shaped the guitars really nice.

here is short clip (only rhythm guitars). if you like, take a eq snapshot and apply that to the sound i described. voila. TCIS/Paramore_Guitars.mp3

hope that helps!
What you guys may be missing is the lead vocal relationship with the mix. CLA's mixing is ALL about the lead vocal, so just comparing instruments isn't getting the whole picture. I feel much of the time that he seems to compromise the quality of the overall sound just for more upfront/lush vocals. It's a sort of love/hate thing I have with his mixing style. As much as I dig his vocals, I don't ever really like the way he mixes anything else.

yeah, but i love his snare sounds. best example is deftones diamond eyes ;-)

this and the vocals sell the song (to my ears).
we mustnt forget cla mixes popmusic. that is all about the vox and the drive (snare). but yeah, your totally right that this needs vocals to be really
representative. but learning how he shapes the whole "image" of a song,
especially with automation is whats nice doing these excercises.
What you guys may be missing is the lead vocal relationship with the mix. CLA's mixing is ALL about the lead vocal, so just comparing instruments isn't getting the whole picture. I feel much of the time that he seems to compromise the quality of the overall sound just for more upfront/lush vocals. It's a sort of love/hate thing I have with his mixing style. As much as I dig his vocals, I don't ever really like the way he mixes anything else.

I noticed he seems to glue the guitars (and bass) to the drums and vocals during verses and certain parts of choruses, but for the most prominent part of a chorus, he'll automate it back down.
The huge drum sound seems a good way to give a mix instant "huge" factor upon immediate listening.
It may be at the expense of having it sound genuinely as huge as something that has only smaller, but very well separated elements (STD for instance:D) but if you're looking for radio play, I guess it's a good compromise to get it sounding as "big" and "upfront" as possible for the masses who seemingly have ADD.
Really quick mix in a couple hours to relax.. snare I first tried nailing the CLA sound, then ended up getting the Riot snare, then fucked it all up.. Toms are placeholders, can't stand Slate there. Vocals come in @ second verse but they're super noisy so they're only there for a bit. Plus I had to limit them to get rid of drums, meaning any volume automation that was there is now gone and I cbf putting it back in.